Hoi Sylvia,
Heel erg bedankt voor het overzicht. Ik heb alleen een detail voor ABV en heb dat voor de volledigheid toegevoegd.
Met hartelijke groet,
Van: Witteveen, Sylvia <S.C.Witteveen@uva.nl>
Verzonden: zaterdag 21 maart 2020 17:36
Aan: Gorter, Jan <J.A.Gorter@uva.nl>; Krugers, Harm <H.Krugers@uva.nl>; Mulder, Tonny <A.B.Mulder@uva.nl>; Boer, Richard de <R.deBoer@uva.nl>; Struik, Jerry <j.struik@uva.nl>; Cornelisse, Sandra <S.Cornelisse@uva.nl>; Bout, Henriëtte <h.j.bout@uva.nl>;
Ploeger, Annemie <A.Ploeger@uva.nl>; Klomp, Anne <a.klomp@uva.nl>; Enschede, Marleen <m.enschede@uva.nl>; Boor, Ilja <P.K.I.Boor@uva.nl>; Gideon Jager <Jrg@psg.nl>; Nijnatten, Jonas van <J.J.vanNijnatten@uva.nl>; Dawitz, Julia <J.Dawitz@uva.nl>; Haberham,
Zainal <z.l.haberham@uva.nl>; Oostra, R.J. (Roelof-Jan) (r.j.oostra@amsterdamumc.nl) <r.j.oostra@amsterdamumc.nl>; Egas, Martijn <C.J.M.Egas@uva.nl>; Bachelorproject-Psychobiologie <Bachelorproject-Psychobiologie@uva.nl>; Werkman, Taco <T.R.Werkman@uva.nl>;
Schut, Marthe <M.F.L.Schut@uva.nl>; Heus, Rob de <R.B.deHeus@uva.nl>; Stein, Timo <T.Stein@uva.nl>
CC: Ploeger, Annemie <A.Ploeger@uva.nl>; Mul, Joram <j.d.mul2@uva.nl>; 'pb-docenten@list.uva.nl' <pb-docenten@list.uva.nl>; Haring, Michel <M.A.Haring@uva.nl>; Brul, Stanley <s.brul@uva.nl>
Onderwerp: [PB-docenten] PB blok 5 jaar 1 en 2 online
Beste allen,
(in cc de blok 4 vakcoördinatoren en Pb docenten)
Gisteren begreep ik van Stanley dat blok 5 helemaal online gegeven moet worden. Dat betekent heel kort samengevat het volgende:
-de hertentamens van blok 2/3 jaar 1 en 2 die in blok 5 gepland stonden schuiven naar de zomer.
-het practicum Moleculaire Celbiologie kan niet gegeven worden in jaar 2 blok 5.
Dat geeft ruimte in blok 5. Mijn voorstel is Evolutie en Gedrag en Wetenschapsfilosofie & Beroepsethiek naar voren te halen en (hopelijk deels, maar ik schat in dat blok 6 ook online gegeven zal worden) online te geven.
Daarnaast bevat dit document een update na vooroverleg met de examencommissievoorzitter (die nu als docent in de email staat
😊). Ik verzoek jullie het document goed door te lezen en je opmerkingen/ aanvullingen erin te voegen of naar mij te mailen (wees zuinig met ccen, maar graag Anne en directe collega’s in de loop).
Als er ergens staat: overleg met de examencommissie, dan verzamel ik de voorstellen en leg die in 1 keer voor.
@Henriette: Ik kan begrijpen dat dit je rauw op de dak valt. Sandra staat paraat voor hulp.
Nog wat praktische opmerkingen vooruitlopend op dat we besloten hebben hoe we blok 5 en 6 gaan doen (en dat wil ik heel snel doen):
-Vergeet niet je onderwijsmomenten in te roosteren in datanose/ wijzigingen door te geven.
-Maak heel duidelijk aan studenten aan het begin van het vak wat er van ze verwacht wordt.
-Jerry is er al voor al je vragen over beschikbaarheid van docenten en assistentie.
-Wanneer het practicum mol cel in blok 6 hangt af van (als het mag on campus) de beschikbaarheid van zalen en assistenten. Anne/Richard/Jerry: willen jullie dit uitzoeken?
-Voor tips voor werkvormen kun je op de Keep on teaching Canvas site terecht. Ik plak de laatste update onder deze email. Tonny, Sandra, Ilja en ik zijn beschikbaar om te sparren. En ook de ZOT teams zijn waarschijnlijk beschikbaar (check
bij Jerry). Ik zit zelf in het crisis team met mijn andere pet, dus ben goed op de hoogte
Dan wil ik jullie als laatste heel, heel hartelijk bedanken voor jullie enorme inzet, flexibiliteit en goede samenwerking de afgelopen anderhalve week. Ik heb heel veel bewondering
voor hoeveel werk er gedaan is en voor de kwaliteit van onderwijs die er geleverd wordt onder deze omstandigheden. Pas goed op elkaar en hopelijk blijven we gezond!
Hartelijke groet,
Universiteit van Amsterdam
FNWI-College of Life Sciences/ Education Service Centre
Sylvia Witteveen
opleidingsdirecteur Psychobiologie/ kwartiermaker FNWI Teaching and Learning Centre
Postbus ESC 94214 | 1090 GE Amsterdam
Science Park 904, kamer B128b| 1098 XH Amsterdam
T: +31 (0)20 525 7718
20 March 2020
UvA Teaching Community
From: UvA Online Teaching Crisis Team
Keep on Teaching, Updates
Dear UvA Teaching Community,
What a week it has been. A week ago, we learned of the measures that would dramatically change all of our lives … not just how we work, but how we live. The
country has come together strong to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, and our University has powerfully come together to help us to continue to educate. Deemed “essential personnel”, you – our teaching community – are seen as critical to the health
and wellbeing of our country during this tumultuous time. We agree.
With this in mind, we (the UvA Online Teaching Crisis Team – a University team comprised of ICTO and TLCers) quickly launched a webspace to help all of us move
to Online Teaching. Referred to as the Keep
on Teaching page, this is a space for our teaching community to learn best ways to move their curriculum to a digital environment. We launched it fast, with promises for more to
come, and now we would like to update you on those changes.
By all accounts, we have been working around the clock to update
Keep on Teaching with the information and resources you need. But we haven’t done this alone - you have been responding in force: providing us with valuable insight in what you need, a willingness to pilot new tools or even help us create guides, and
showing a resilient spirit throughout. We have watched you tackle new tools with nearly no experience, but still with a sense of grace and humor. You have been thoughtful, sharp, and have offered a critical lens to help us make smart decisions. Most of all,
we have witnessed you doing this while taking care of families, while adjusting to an entirely different routine, and while working in a context of angst. What an inspiration to us all. Thank you.
With all of this inspiration, along with a healthy dose of coffee, we are happy to announce that we have made
significant updates to the Keep on Teaching page, that we hope will make your transition to the Online Classroom a bit easier. Here’s some highlights of these changes:
Get Zoom’ing! You told us you needed it, and we made it happen. You can now use
Zoom directly through your own Canvas Course to interact with your students. This includes breakout rooms, digital whiteboards, and more! We have a growing body of support resources (including videos) on the page to help
make the most of this resource. We can’t wait to see how you use it!
External Resources. There are so many little things to keep in mind as we move to the online environment.
Thankfully, the internet is a wealth of information when it comes to tips and tricks. We have gathered (y)our favorites, and now feature them in our
External Resources section.
Assignment Support. You asked for more details on the ways to make the most out of Canvas for assignments,
and now, it’s all there in the
Assignments section: a range of different tools alongside tutorials to guide you through the process.
Exam Support. Exams are a complicated process, and the specific details per faculty are still being
worked out. However, you have been asking about options and we wanted to respond. You can now find information, in our
Exams section, about ways to conduct examinations during this digital time. We urge you to consult with your Programme Director and ICTO support staff (to check capacity and availability of tools and support) before moving
forward with any option, but this should help you get a sense of potential options.
Wellbeing. This situation is taxing for all of us. And while we are humbled by how our teachers are
responding to the challenge, we also know this is a difficult time and we need to be mindful of our wellbeing. We have created a
wellbeing space on the page with some tips to help all during these trying times. This will be updated as we move along, so be sure to check back.
Discussion Board. Your voice matters to us. We are interested in the tools you need, the questions you
have, but also funny anecdotes and stories about how you are navigating these times. With this in mind, we have created a series of
Discussion boards for you to share your voice. We look forward to hearing from you.
Live Support. We are #InThisTogether, and that means making sure that we can help you as you enter Period
5. While our page has contact information for each Faculty, we want to do more right now. With this in mind, we are going to have
Live Support Zoom-hours starting next week. Jump into a Zoom session and we will do what we can to help you get your teaching online-ready.
We will be continuing to tweak and add information as we try to respond to your specific situations. For now, we hope these updates help you achieve your goals
during these trying times. And with that said, please also keep in mind that there is no expectation of perfect. These are incredibly challenging times, your efforts are already amazing and inspiring to us.
Thank you for all you do.
With best wishes,
The UvA Online Teaching Crisis Team