Is there a possibility to look at which questions you've gotten correct and wrong after the deadline for the quizzes?
With kind regards,
Poeyan Soud Alizadeh
I wanted to watch today's lecture live. I however can't find the zoom link
you need to watch it and it is not possible to watch the recording live via
the link to the webcolleges. Could you please let me know where I can find
the link or how I can access the live recording?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Britt Uiterdijk
Dear datastructures,
I would like to carry over the grades I received for last years assignments + quiz. Is it possible to receive my average assignment grade from last year? I saw that one of them was late so I want to make sure that I passed the assignment grade.
Kind regards,
Kiefer Plender
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On 2/2/25 3:11 PM, jip voshol wrote:
> Goedemiddag,
> Voor het vak /Datastructuren en Algoritmen /ben ik in werkgroep A
> geplaatst. Is het mogelijk om te wisselen van werkgroep, naar
> bijvoorbeeld F, D of G? Ik volg een extra vak deze periode en op die
> manier heb ik geen overlap.
> Ik hoor het graag,
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Jip Voshol
Vlad Niculae [he/him]
Asst. Prof. @ LTL, IvI, University of Amsterdam
Dear Sir / Madam,
I will be out of The Netherlands for a few days at the beginning of the 4th
week of the course which I think overlaps with one of the grading sessions.
I was wondering if it’s possible to attend one of the grading sessions
remotely through Zoom or Teams.
Thanks in advance and kind regards,
Gerben Ter Wee
Ik ga proberen om aanwezig te zijn tijdens hoorcollege van vandaag, maar mocht dat niet lukken, waar zou ik de zoom link kunnen vinden om het online te volgen?
Alvast bedankt!