Dear Poeyan,


Regarding the visibility of your grade on Canvas, I am looking into that right now. In the meantime, can you see your grade in CodeGrade? In any case, it should be a 3.58. Regarding not passing the autotests, this is part of the exercise and your own responsibility. If while making the assignments you cannot seem to get past the autotests, your TA can always help you along during laptop class. There is simply not enough time (during the live grading or otherwise) to thoroughly check to what extent students’ methods are correct by looking into the code.





From: Poeyan Soud Alizadeh <>
Sent: donderdag 27 februari 2025 15:05
Subject: [ds2024-ki] Assignment 1 grade




I did not receive my grade for assignment 1.

Furthermore, I have a question regarding the grading. For the booklist part, I did not pass the tests on codegrade. But I do believe that my methods are correct. Do you still look at my code to award points?


With kind regards,

Poeyan Soud Alizadeh