Hi everyone,


This Friday (October 29th) from 15:00 – 16:00 there will be another exciting Hot Politics Lab meeting. During this lab meeting,  Alan Sanfey (Radboud University) will give a talk titled “Social motivations in choice: insights from decision neuroscience”. See below the abstract. The talk will be followed by a Q&A, and everybody is welcome to join via Zoom: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/96492065253  or join the live session in the Common Room (REC-B9.22) at 3pm (CET).


Our lives consist of a constant stream of decisions and choices, from the mundane to the highly consequential. The standard approach to experimentally examining decision-making has been to examine fixed choices with clearly defined probabilities and outcomes, however it is an open question as to whether decision models describing these situations can be extended to choices that are made in more complex, social, contexts. This class of social decision-making offers a useful approach to examine other types of decisions, which may in fact better approximate many of our real-life choices. Here, we focus on several experiments where we use novel variants of decision tasks in conjunction with functional neuroimaging and computational modelling to observe how players decide in real, complex, contexts. In particular, these scenarios reveal motivations other than economic gain that appear to guide our decisions in a systematic fashion. I will also discuss how we can use these brain insights to build better models of human social norms, incorporating both psychological and neurobiological constructs.


If you missed any of the previous online hot politics lab meetings, or just want to watch them again, you can find all video and audio recordings of our last online meetings in our Online Hot Politics Lab Meetings archive here: http://www.hotpolitics.eu/lab-meetings-archive/.


Have a great rest of the week and hope to see you all Friday!





Maaike Homan

PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

University of Amsterdam

Room B10.01

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