Hi everyone, This Friday we will have the first online meeting of the Hot Politics Lab! We're excited to have Michael Bang Petersen from Aarhus University as our first guest who will give a talk about how democratic governments should mobilize their publics to defeat COVID-19. On March 9th he wrote an article that shaped the Danish government’s response to the virus. His key point: “#FlattenTheCurve via “optimistic anxiety.” You can find a Dutch version of his article here: http://stukroodvlees.nl/drie-dringende-adviezen-over-hoe-de-regering-moet-co... and an English version here: https://pure.au.dk/portal/files/181464339/The_unpleasant_truth_is_the_best_p... Since this a new meeting format, we have to set some practicalities:
- The meeting will start on Friday, March 20 at 15:00 - The meeting takes place using Zoom (you'll need to have Zoom installed on your computer), and you can join with the following link: https://zoom.us/j/3801740150 - Ideally you'll join some minutes earlier so you can see if everything works at your end. The invitation link works from 14:45. - Please don't turn on your video camera and microphone as to not crowd the conversation and save some bandwidth
- Michael will give a talk followed by a Q&A - During the talk and Q&A, please post your questions using the chat function. We will pick them up and then ask Michael on your behalf. - The talk will be recorded
Hope to "see" you all on Friday! All the best, Christian Christian Pipal
PhD Candidate
Department of Political Science Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 , 1018 WV Amsterdam Room B10.01 www.aissr.uva.nlhttp://www.aissr.uva.nl/ | www.hotpolitics.euhttp://www.hotpolitics.eu/ [cid:b74daae0-0950-463e-8333-3b0c2e9be6a7]