Hi everyone,


This Friday (April 30) from 15:00 – 16:00 it is “Graduate Friday” in the Online Hot Politics Lab. In this meeting, PhD candidate Tobias Widmann (European University Institute) will give a talk titled “How Renewable Energy Divides Politics. The Impact of Wind Turbines on Moral-Emotional Language in Political Discourse“. See the abstract below. Afterwards, PhD candidate Maaike Homan (University of Amsterdam) will give a talk titled “Same Anger, Different Perception? Gender Bias in Emotion Perception of Male and Female Politicians”.


The talk will be followed by a Q&A, and everybody is welcome to join via Zoom: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/96492065253  at 3pm (CET).


Abstract for “How Renewable Energy Divides Politics. The Impact of Wind Turbines on Moral-Emotional Language in Political Discoursee” (Tobias Widmann): Climate change became an increasingly polarized issue over recent years. Research has shown that elite cues and, in particular, the emotional framing of the climate change debate matter for the shaping of public opinion. Yet, we still have limited knowledge about factors influencing emotional political discourse. In this study, I investigate how local exposure to climate-mitigation policies impacts the political debate. To do so, I combine information on wind turbines with parliamentary speeches from Germany. Using novel machine learning classifiers, I measure discrete emotional appeals in parliamentary speeches.  Relying on generalized difference-in-difference models, I will investigate how individual politicians change their moral-emotional rhetoric after wind turbines have been constructed in their electoral district.


If you missed any of the previous online hot politics lab meetings, or just want to watch them again, you can find all video and audio recordings of our last online meetings in our Online Hot Politics Lab Meetings archive here: http://www.hotpolitics.eu/lab-meetings-archive/.


Have a great rest of the week and hope to see you all Friday!


Maaike Homan

PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

University of Amsterdam

Room B10.01

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