Dear Hot Politics Lab followers,

This Friday (September 27th) there will be a Hot Politics Lab meeting from 15:00 – 16:00. In this Graduate Friday session, Lina Buttgereit (University of Amsterdam) and Linda Bomm (University of Amsterdam) will present their projects. Lina Buttgereit will give a talk titled “What is Misinformation to you? An Audience-Centred Approach to Misinformation Perceptions.” Linda Bomm will give a talk titled “No, it’s not just issue salience. Establishing the Construct Validity of Threat”.

The talk will be followed by a Q&A, and everybody is welcome to join in room room B9.22 or online. Those who want to join online can use this link. 

In the meantime, you can watch any of the previous Hot Politics Lab meetings via the youtube channel.

Hope to see many of you this Friday!

Kind regards,

Céline Laffineur

Ph.D. Researcher

MSCA Doctoral Network IP-PAD

Amsterdam School of Communication Research

University of Amsterdam