Hi everyone,


Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen circumstances we had to cancel the lab meeting of this Friday. Luckily we still have one more lab meeting left before the summer break. Next Friday (24th of June), Christian Pipal (University of Amsterdam) will give a talk titled "They all sound the same?! Rhetoric Change and Influence in Parliamentary Speeches" . Afterwards PhD candidate Luca Versteegen (Gothenburg University) will give a talk titled "We Love, They Hate: How Radical Right Voters Use Emotion Narratives to Consolidate Affective Polarization".


The talk will be followed by a Q&A, and everybody is welcome to join via Zoom: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/96492065253 or join the live session in the Common Room (REC-B9.22) at 3pm (CET).


We hope to see you all next week for our last meeting before the break!






Maaike Homan

PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

University of Amsterdam

Room B10.01

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