Hi everyone,
This Friday (07/10) from 15:00 – 16:00 there will be another Hot Politics Lab meeting. In this session of the Hot Politics Lab, Dominique Wirz (Université de Fribourg) will give a talk titled
“A hostile media effect? Subjective and objective exposure to hate speech in Switzerland”. See below the abstract of the talk.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A, and everybody is welcome to join via Zoom:
https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/96492065253 or join the live session in the Common Room (REC-B9.22) at 3pm (CET).
Abstract: Representative surveys in the EU show that around 40% of the population is often or very often confronted with hate speech on the internet. Despite the efforts of social media
platforms and media companies to tackle this issue, the numbers have risen during the last years. However, there might be a gap between the definition of hate speech by the law or by academics – and thus what is deleted automatically or by human intervention
– and what media users perceive as hate speech. We assume that the perception of messages as hate speech is biased as a function of the hostile media effect: Individuals who strongly identify with a societal group are more likely to perceive a comment as
hostile towards their group. This perceived hostility elicits anger and thus a desire for punishment. We test these assumptions in a multi-methods study. First, we will conduct a representative survey of the Swiss population; participants will see examples
of uncivil comments and rate how much they consider them to be hate speech and if they should be punished. Second, we will recruit a subgroup of participants who report to be exposed to hate speech at least several times a week for a mobile longitudinal linkage
analysis study: Participants will make a screenshot of all comments they perceive as hate speech and upload them on a platform. We will then conduct a content analysis of these comments.
You can check out the remaining program of this semester on our
website. You can also watch any of the previous online hot politics lab meetings via the labs
Have a great rest of the week and hope to see you Friday!
Maaike Homan
PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department
Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research
University of Amsterdam
Room B10.01