Hi everyone,


This Friday’s Hot Politics Lab meeting is unfortunately cancelled. However, we will have an extra-long lab meeting next week! Friday March 20th we have our very first “lab-meets-lab” meeting. We’ll have 3 presentations from Hot Politics Lab members and 3 presentations from members of the group around Reinout de Vries (Psychology, VU Amsterdam). There is a lot of interesting overlap between the two groups, so I think this will be a very interesting meeting!


Below and attached the schedule. The meeting is from 13:00 till 17:10 at REC B9.22. However, you are welcome to join at any time!



Lab-meets-lab Program:

13.00 – 13.10 Introductions


Part 1: Sentiment

13.10 – 13.45     Ward van Breda - US Election Insights in Trends and Polls in Real Time based  on
                              Social Media (2015).

13.45 – 14.20     Christian Pipal - Validating the Joint Sentiment Topic Model and the reversed Joint Sentiment Topic Model on Political Text

14.20 – 14.35     Break


Part 2: Personality

14.35 – 15.10     Ard Barends - Construct and Predictive Validity of an Assessment Game to Measure Honesty-Humility

15.10 – 15.45     Bert Bakker - The Populist Appeal: Personality and Anti-establishment Communication


15.45 – 16.00 Break


Part 3: Multimodal Assessments

16.00 – 16.35 Antonis Koutsoumpis - Automatic personality assessment from video interviews

16.35 – 17.10 Gijs Schumacher – Measuring Emotion in Text, Voice and Face in Political Speech


17.15 -                 Drinks at CREA café.


18.30                    Dinner



Hope to see you all there!




Maaike Homan

PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

University of Amsterdam

Room B10.01

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