Hi everyone,


This Friday (13/5) from 13:00 – 16:00, the Hot Politics Lab is hosting the Dutch Political Psychology Meeting. Everyone is welcome to join in person at the University of Amsterdam (Roeterseiland campus) or join via zoom. One of the speakers will give the presentation online. See the details of the meeting below.


Offline location: We will host the event at the University of Amsterdam, in room GS.08. This room is in the G building at the Roeterseiland campus. Here is a map with all the buildings of the campus and here you can find where the room is located. If you have any trouble finding the room you can always email me (m.d.homan@uva.nl).


Online location: The entire meeting will also be hosted online. Everyone is welcome to join. Participants via zoom can ask questions through a Q&A box in zoom. This is the zoom link: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/87358152664



13:00-13:45       Hulda Thorisdottir (University of Iceland, Faculty of Political Science):

Social standing, distrust and conspiracy thinking during the pandemic”


13:45-14:00        Coffee break


14:00-14:45        Maaike Homan  (University of Amsterdam, Department of Political Science).

"Facing emotional politicians: how people respond to the emotional expressions of politicians
and how this matters for political decision making" 


15:45-15:00        Coffee break


15:00-15:45        Chris Dawes (NYU, Department of Political Science)

"Polygenic Indices for Health and Psychological Traits Predict Political Participation"


15:45-16:00        Announcements + off to CREA café for drinks!


Looking forward to seeing you this Friday!




Maaike Homan

PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

University of Amsterdam

Room B10.01

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