Dear all,
Next week Friday (September 13), I will give a talk on pre-registration in the Hot Politics Lab. The talk will be hands on. I will talk through the logic of pre-registration and discuss the do’s and don’ts. Obviously, there is no prior knowledge about this topic required but if you have never seen a study with pre-registered design and analyses, you might want to read one.
Bakker, Lelkes and Malka (in press at Journal of Politics) is a recently accepted paper in which study 3 and 4 were pre-registered replications of the study 1 and 2 (paper, here: ). Looking at the pre-analysis plans belonging to these experiments might be especially helpful: .
OSF | Pre-analysis plan: Cognitive resources in service of identity expression
OSF | Bakker_Lelkes_Malka_JoP.pdf
I look forward talking to you about this topic in the Hot Politics Lab.