Hi everyone,


This Friday (June 25) from 14:30 – 16:00 we will have a very special meeting since we will have 4 students from the masters Brain & Cognition (UvA) and Neuroscience (VU) present their projects with the Hot Politics lab. The students have been designing and conducting an EEG pilot study this last semester, see more information below. Note this meeting start 30 min earlier, so at 2.30 pm (CET). The talks will be followed by a Q&A, and everybody is welcome to join via Zoom: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/96492065253.


This meeting is already the last meeting of this semester! In the meantime, you can obviously enjoy our rich archive with talks by people like: Yanna Krupnikov (Stonybrook, link), Ursula Hess (Humboldt University, link), Constantine Boussalis (Trinity College Dublin, link), Leor Zmigrod (University of Cambridge, link), Michael Bruter (London School of Economics, link) and Gerben van Kleef (University of Amsterdam, link). Check out the complete archive here.


Measuring Neural Responses to Politics with EEG:

In this project, we investigate emotional and cognitive biases drive political information-processing and decision-making. We are interested in the neural manifestations (using EEG measurement) of such biases among individuals with different political preferences and background. Examining this will give us more understanding of how people process politically-related information and make relevant decisions. The project consists of three separate studies, which will each be presented this Friday at the Hot Politics lab meeting:


  1. “Mirror neuron activity in response to in- vs out-party politicians: an EEG pilot study” – by Karlijn Hendriks (Neuroscience, VU)
  2. “Are we averse to ambitious leaders? ERP correlates in Ultimatum Game” – by Xinyao Zhang (Brain & Cognition, UvA)
  3. “Drawing distorted conclusions: EEG correlates of the ideological mind” – by Babke Weenk and Christian Ramelow (Brain & Cognition, UvA)


Post-doctoral Fellow Opportunity in Political Science:

For those interested, the Centre for the Politics of Feelings , a partnership between the School of Advanced Study, University of London and Royal Holloway, University of London, is hiring a Post-doctoral Fellow with background in quantitative Political Science. The Fellow will have the opportunity to develop an innovative and interdisciplinary research project that in the field of emotions and politics. See the application here: Post-doctoral Fellow in Political Science (politics-of-feelings.com).


Looking forward to “seeing” you all Friday!




Maaike Homan

PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

University of Amsterdam

Room B10.01

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