Hi everyone,


Hope you had a great summer! The Hot Politics Lab is back this fall with a series of great talks! See the program for this semester below. The next talk will be Friday the 16th of September from 15:00-16:00. In this meeting, Han van der Maas (Department of Psychology, UvA) will present “Cascading transitions in psycho-social systems”. Below the abstract.


The talk will be followed by a Q&A. Everybody is welcome to join via Zoom: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/96492065253 or join the live session in the Common Room (REC-B9.22) at 3pm (CET).


Abstract: We all worry about the spread of conspiracy theories, the impact of addiction on people and society, and are amazed by the power of collective learning. My hypothesis is that these apparently very different processes share the same type of dynamics, in which sudden transitions within individuals are part of societal transitions. I will present my intended ERC research on these cascading transitions and will focus primarily on the issue of polarization. 


Hot Politics Fall Program:


16-9 Han van der Maas “Cascading transitions in psycho-social systems”


30-9 Graduate Friday


14-10 Dominique Wirz: “A hostile media effect? Subjective and objective exposure to hate speech in Switzerland.”


4-11 Falvio Azevedo:  "Measuring Ideology: Current practices, its consequences, and recommendations."

11-11 Jochem Tolsma: “Political Polarisation and Residential Segregation”

18-11 Frank Gonzalez: “"Inhibition or Ideology? The Neural Mechanisms of Racial Priming in Politics." 


25-11 Graduate Friday: Maaike Homan + Christian Pipal


2-12 Christin Scholz: “to be announced”


Hope to see you all the 16th!





Maaike Homan

PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

University of Amsterdam

Room B10.01

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