Dear Hot Politics Lab followers,
This Friday (March 7th) there will be a Hot Politics Lab meeting from 15:00 – 16:00. In this Graduate Friday session, Wies Ruyters (Wageningen University & Research) and Lotte Schrijver (Wageningen University & Research) will present their projects. Wies Ruyters will give a talk titled "Modalities Matter? How Different Communication Modes in Political News Shape Politician’s Perceived Media Prominence By the Public". Lotte Schrijver will give a talk titled "Deception during crises: studying the causes of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic through computational and qualitative methods".
The talk will be followed by a Q&A, and everybody is welcome to join in room C10.20 or online. Those who want to join online can use this link
In the meantime, you can watch any of the previous Hot Politics Lab meetings via the youtube channel.
Hope to see many of you this Friday!
Kind regards,
Linda C. Bomm
PhD Candidate in Political Communication
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