Hi everyone,
This Friday we will have a lab meeting again! With two presentations: Isabella Rebasso will present “Do participants recognize appraisal dimensions in text? A discussion of pre-test results of experimental stimuli manipulating the appraisal of political issues.” And furthermore Linda Bos (ASCoR) will talk about “The presence and effects of moral appeals in European political elite communication”. See attached an extended abstract of her research project.
Furthermore, me, Bert and Gijs are conducting an experiment in the lab and looking for Dutch participants. So would be great if those of you who are teaching or working with some Dutch students could share the following:
Wij zoeken proefpersonen! We zijn bezig met een experiment waarin we onderzoeken hoe mensen hun mening vormen. Doen we dit compleet rationeel? Of komen er ook veel onderbuikgevoelens bij kijken? Het is een fysiologisch experiment (er worden een aantal electroden op je gezicht en hand geplakt) van 45 minuten, voor 1 ppu of €7,50! Via deze link kun je je opgeven: https://www.lab.uva.nl/lab/onderzoek/overzicht (klik op “Hoe vorm jij je mening?”)
See you Friday!
Maaike Homan PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research University of Amsterdam Room B10.01 [logo hot politics]
Hi everyone,
Ahead of the presentation of my pre-test results this afternoon I am sending you the statements that were pre-tested. I will present all the information in the document later but it might be useful to have them on your computers in case we want to discuss the statements in detail.
See you in a bit!
Best, Isabella
From: Homan, Maaike [mailto:m.d.homan@uva.nl] Sent: dinsdag 19 november 2019 12:25 To: hotpoliticslab@list.uva.nl Subject: [Hotpoliticslab] Next Hot Politics Lab Meeting
Hi everyone,
This Friday we will have a lab meeting again! With two presentations: Isabella Rebasso will present “Do participants recognize appraisal dimensions in text? A discussion of pre-test results of experimental stimuli manipulating the appraisal of political issues.” And furthermore Linda Bos (ASCoR) will talk about “The presence and effects of moral appeals in European political elite communication”. See attached an extended abstract of her research project.
Furthermore, me, Bert and Gijs are conducting an experiment in the lab and looking for Dutch participants. So would be great if those of you who are teaching or working with some Dutch students could share the following:
Wij zoeken proefpersonen! We zijn bezig met een experiment waarin we onderzoeken hoe mensen hun mening vormen. Doen we dit compleet rationeel? Of komen er ook veel onderbuikgevoelens bij kijken? Het is een fysiologisch experiment (er worden een aantal electroden op je gezicht en hand geplakt) van 45 minuten, voor 1 ppu of €7,50! Via deze link kun je je opgeven: https://www.lab.uva.nl/lab/onderzoek/overzicht (klik op “Hoe vorm jij je mening?”)
See you Friday!
Maaike Homan PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research University of Amsterdam Room B10.01 [logo hot politics]