Hello everyone,
Regarding the dinner: I would like to invite everyone who works for the Hot Politics Lab, as employee, intern or student-assistant. The dinner is at my place. The address is Werengouw 27 Amsterdam Noord. It's less than 30 minutes by bike from the uni. The quickest route is by taking the bridges in the east (from Flevopark). There's also a direct bus (nr.37) from close to the uni (linnaeusstraat) to the Werengouw. You can also do the touristy route: take the metro to Noorderpark and walk over the Nieuwerdammerdijk & Tuindorp Nieuwendam to my house (30 mins).
You are welcome from 6 o'clock onwards. If we don't wake up the kids, then we can make it late (otherwise we might need to hit a local bar).
There'll be vegetarian food. Let me know if that's an issue for you.
From: Homan, Maaike m.d.homan@uva.nl Sent: dinsdag 10 september 2019 11:34 To: hotpoliticslab@list.uva.nl Subject: [Hotpoliticslab] next hot politics meeting + lab dinner
Hi everyone,
This Friday we will again have 2 talks. A tutorial from Bert Bakker about pre-registration (see message from Bert below). And a presentation from Gijs Schumacher called "Why do politicians go emotional?". As usual the lab meeting will be from 15:00 till 16:30 in the Common Room on the 9th floor (REC B9.22).
Furthermore, we will have a lab dinner this Friday! Apologies for the short notice, but whoever wants to join is welcome! Please let me know before Thursday 17:00 whether you can make it.
See you Friday!
Best, Maaike Dear all, Friday (September 13), I will give a talk on pre-registration in the Hot Politics Lab "Pre-registration, pre-analysis, replication: what is it all about and why should you care". I will talk through a pre-analysis plan discuss the do's and don'ts. Obviously, there is no prior knowledge about this topic required but if you have never seen a study with pre-registered design and analyses, you might want to read one before to give you some context. Bakker, Lelkes and Malka is a recently accepted paper in which study 3 and 4 were pre-registered replications of the study 1 and 2 (paper, here: https://osf.io/ja6qw/ ). You can also find the pre-analysis plans belonging to study 3 and 4 here: https://osf.io/4zx3f/?view_only=1bbcfe1db044414183ee274ef62fe7c7 . [https://osf.io/static/img/osf-sharing.png]https://osf.io/4zx3f/?view_only=1bbcfe1db044414183ee274ef62fe7c7
OSF | Pre-analysis plan: Cognitive resources in service of identity expressionhttps://osf.io/4zx3f/?view_only=1bbcfe1db044414183ee274ef62fe7c7 osf.io
OSF | Bakker_Lelkes_Malka_JoP.pdfhttps://osf.io/ja6qw/ osf.io
I look forward talking to you about this topic in the Hot Politics Lab. Bert
Maaike Homan PhD Candidate at the Political Science Department Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research University of Amsterdam Room B8.22 [logo hot politics]