Dear all,
please note that there is no LIRa this week.
Our next session will be on Thursday next week.
Speaker: Ilaria Canavotto (ILLC, Amsterdam)
Date and Time: Thursday, April 13th 2017, 17:00-18:30
Venue: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107.
Title: Deontic Conflicts in Explicit Dynamic Deontic Logic.
Abstract. A deontic conflict is a situation in which it is
obligatory to do A and it is obligatory to do B, but it is impossible
to do both A and B. Despite being common in everyday life, deontic
conflicts are ruled out by standard systems of deontic logic. This has
led to several attempts to formulate conflict tolerant deontic
systems. Yet, the main strategies that have been embraced in the
current debate, see e.g. Goble (2005, 2009) and Horty (2003, 2012),
are subject to three significant limitations. First, they do not allow
us to distinguish different kinds of deontic conflicts. Second, they
do not provide us with the tools to refer to the norms from which the
conflicts originate. Finally, and relatedly, they do not allow us to
model agents who update their individual codes by accepting possibly
conflicting norms as binding. In light of this, we propose a new
system of deontic logic in which ideas from explicit epistemic logic
(we introduce norms and codes as explicit sources of obligation) and
from dynamic epistemic logic (we introduce an update procedure on
codes) are combined. We show that within our system it is possible to
distinguish a considerable variety of interesting normative conflicts,
including abstract and concrete normative conflicts and, within the
latter, social, civil, legal and moral conflicts. We then apply these
distinctions to provide an original analysis of three paradigmatic
cases of normative conflicts, viz. those of Antigone, of Gandhi, and
Sophie’s choice.
(This is a joint work with Alessandro Giordani.)
Hope to see you there!
The LIRa team