Dear all,
The next LIRa session will take place on Thursday, November 8th. Our speaker is Ilaria Canavotto. Please, find the details below:
Speaker: Ilaria Canavotto
Date and Time: Thursday, November 8th 2018, 17:00-18:30
Venue: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107.
Title: Introducing Causality in Stit Logic.
Abstract. Stit logic is a framework to reason about individual and
group agency. More specifically, the central notion that stit
theorists aim at modelling is the notion of seeing-to-it-that. Despite
some variations, the basic idea is that an agent sees to it that a
certain fact, A, is the case just in case her choice ensures that A is
the case, no matter what all other agents do. This classic
characterization of seeing-to-it-that is typically taken to capture
the fact that an agent brings about A. However, the notion of bringing
about modelled in stit logic turns out to be considerably narrower
than an intuitive notion of bringing about: most of the cases in which
we say that an agent brings about a certain fact are cases in which
that agent causes that fact and, at the same time, what the other
agents do matters. For instance, when we close our office’s door, we
are typically prepared to say that we cause the door to be closed (or:
we bring about the state that the door is closed), even though the
fact that our office mates don’t keep us away from the door matters,
since we could not close the door if they did. But, according to stit
theory, if this is really the case, then we do not see to it that the
door is closed. As we will see, this has important consequences on the
possibility of taking standard stit operators as a tool to reason
about responsibility.
In this talk, I will present a refinement of stit semantics suitable
to represent, at least in a weak sense, the causal connections between
an agent’s action and its consequences. I will do this step-wise, by
including in the semantics, first, action types and, second, a
relation of opposition between them. I will show that, in this way, we
obtain a framework in which we can interpret new stit operators
suitable to model basic degrees of responsibility of an agent. In
general, familiarity with stit logic is not necessary for this talk.
(This is a joint work with Alexandru Baltag and Sonja Smets.)
Hope to see you there!
The LIRa team