Dear all,
Tomorrow we will have our next LIRa Session.
Speaker: Aldo Ramirez-Abarca
Date and Time: Thursday, April 5th 2018, 16:00-17:30
Venue: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107.
Title: Playing with stit-fire
Abstract: Stit logic has a strong connection to game theory. It is
well known that some of the by-now established stit semantics were
heavily inspired by game theoretical notions at their conception,
under a clear correlation between ‘strategies’, on one hand, and
‘actions’, on the other. Furthermore, standards of game theory
(such as utilities and dominance of strategies) have been explicitly
imported into stit semantics to model different aspects of agentive
behavior. A typical example is Horty’s (2001) stit formalization of
obligation using weak dominance of strategies. It comes as no
surprise, then, that the basic components for games (outcomes and
individual/group/joint strategies) can be formalized with stit logic.
This leads to what we may call game models for a stit language of
individual/collective action (van Benthem & Pacuit, 2014; van de
Putte, Tamminga, & Duijf, 2017). As it turns out, game models are
in logical correspondence with a particular subclass of basic stit
models (van de Putte, Tamminga, & Duijf, 2017). If we extend the
basic stit language with both obligation and knowledge/belief
operators, then, we can formalize traditional concepts found in richer
representations of games (rationality, common knowledge,
ex-interim/ex-ante/ ex-post knowledge, perfect/imperfect information,
extensive-form-information games, uniformity of strategies, expected
utility, solution concepts, etc.). The advantage of such a
formalization is two-fold: in the game-theory-to-stit direction, it
opens the door to producing highly applicable deontic
epistemic/doxastic stit logics with intuitions grounded on the
preexisting game-theoretical literature; in the stit-to-game-theory
direction, it allows us to look for expressive axiomatizations of
games, with syntactic formulas corresponding to complex semantic
formulations of game constraints. In this talk, I will present an
overview of the main results that evidence the connection between stit
logic and game theory, and I will address a few proposals to further
the use of this connection.
Hope to see you there!
The LIRa team