Dear all,
The next LIRa session will take place on Thursday, September 20th. Our speaker is Gianluca Grilletti. Please, find the details below:
Speaker: Gianluca Grilletti
Date and Time: Thursday, September 20th 2018, 16:30-18:00
Venue: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107.
Title: An Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Game for InqBQ.
Abstract. InqBQ [1] is a first-order version of inquisitive logic,
encompassing both questions and quantifiers. Questions like ``What is
an element with property P?’’ and ``What is the extension of
property P?\'\' can be represented using the usual logical operators
from first-order logic in addition to the inquisitive counterpart of
classical disjunction and classical existential quantifier
respectively. Several questions about InqBQ remain open: Is the
entailment of the logic axiomatizable? Does the entailment between
questions boil down to some dependency between the statements
supporting the questions? Which questions are expressible and which
are not expressible? Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games [2,4] proved to be a
valuable tool to study the expressive power of several logics [3,5,8].
The main idea is to characterize logical equivalence between models,
w.r.t. the whole logic or certain fragments of it, using
game-theoretic tools; this in turn gives a strategy to prove that
certain properties of models -- e.g. the finiteness of the domain in
first-order logic -- are not expressible, namely by finding a winning
strategy in a suitable game. In this talk I will present an EF-game
for InqBQ and the corresponding characterization theorem. I will apply
the result obtained to show that certain natural questions -- e.g.
“How many elements have property P?” -- are not expressible by
InqBQ formulas. (This is joint work with Ivano Ciardelli.)
[1] Ivano Ciardelli. Questions in logic. PhD thesis, Institute for
Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, 2016.
[2] Andrzej Ehrenfeucht. An application of games to the completeness
problem for formalized theories. Journal of Symbolic Logic,
32(2):281–282, 1967.
[3] Ronald Fagin. Monadic Generalized Spectra. Zeitschrift für
mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 21:89–96, 1975.
[4] Roland Fraïssé. Sur quelques classifications des systèmes de
relations. Publications Scientifiques de l’Université D’Alger,
1(1):35–182, June 1954.
[5] Neil Immerman. Upper and lower bounds for first order
expressibility. Journal of Com-
puter and System Sciences, 25(1):76–98, 1982.
[6] Jouko Väänänen. Models and Games. Cambridge University Press,
New York, NY, USA, 1st edition, 2011.
Hope to see you there!
The LIRa team