Dear all,
Tomorrow, we will have our next LIRa session at 13:00. Please, find the details below:
Speaker: Rasmus Rendsvig (Center for Information and Bubble Studies,
University of Copenhagen)
Date and Time: Thursday, November 28th 2019, 13:00-14:30 (NOTE
Venue: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107.
Title: A Topological Perspective on Common Knowledge and on Dynamic
Epistemic Logic.
Abstract. This talk discusses how analyzing logical dynamics as
unfolding in a topological space provides an interesting perspective.
The talk falls in two parts.
The first part exemplifies a topological analysis by taking a look
at the attainment of common knowledge. Common knowledge, as is well
known, is not attainable in finite time by unreliable communication,
thus hindering perfect coordination. Focusing on the coordinated
attack problem modeled using dynamic epistemic logic, this part asks
“If the generals may communicate indefinitely, will they then
converge to a state of common knowledge?”
We answer by making precise and showing the following:
Common knowledge is attainable if, and only if, we do not care about
common knowledge.
The analysis relies on a particular interpretation of qualitative
distance. The first part will motivate one specific such
interpretation, which in turn motivates working with a particular
topology, known as the Stone topology.
The second part of the talk takes an abstract view of functions
and relations on Stone topological spaces---one realm inhabited by
many model transformations known from dynamic epistemic logic---and
discusses connections between recursive reduction law existence,
computability and continuity.
Hope to see you there!
The LIRa team