Dear all,
The next LIRa session (joint with the Algebra|Coalgebra seminar) will take place on Thursday, April 17th. Please, find the details below:
Speaker: Valentin Goranko (Stockholm University)
Date and Time: Wednesday, April 17th 2019, 16:30-18:00
Venue: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107.
Title: Towards a Logic for Conditional Strategic Reasoning.
Abstract. This talk is based on a work in progress, joint with
Fengkui Ju, Beijing Normal University.
We consider systems of rational agents who act in pursuit of their
individual and collective objectives and we study the reasoning of an
agent or an external observer about the consequences from the expected
choices of action of the other agents, based on their objectives, in
order to assess the agent’s ability to achieve her own objective.
For instance, consider a scenario where an agent, Alice, has an
objective O(A) to achieve. Suppose, that Alice has several possible
choices of an action (or, strategy) that would possibly, or certainly,
guarantee the achievement of her objective O(A). Now, Bob, another
agent or an external observer, is reasoning about the consequences
from Alice\'s possible actions with respect to the occurrence of
Bob’s objective or intended outcome O(B). Depending on Bob\'s
knowledge about Alice\'s objective and of her available strategic
choices that would guarantee the achievement of that objective, there
can be several possible cases for Bob\'s reasoning, based on whether or
not Bob knows Alice’s objective, her possible actions towards
achieving that objective, and her intentions on how to act. Thus, Bob
has to reason about his own abilities to achieve his objective O(B),
conditional on what he knows or expect that Alice may decide to do.
That scenario naturally extends to several agents reasoning about
their abilities conditional on how they expect the others to act.
In some of these cases, reasoning about conditional strategic
abilities can be formally described in Coalition Logic (CL) or in its
temporal extension, the alternating time temporal logic ATL(*), with
semantics involving strategy contexts. Other cases, however, require
new and more expressive operators capturing more refined patterns of
strategic ability, especially suited for the kind of conditional
strategic reasoning in scenarios described above. In our work we
introduce and study such new operators and logical languages that can
capture variations of conditional strategic reasoning.
In this talk, after an informal discussion of conditional strategic
reasoning, I will introduce some new strategic operators capturing
such reasoning, will provide formal semantics for the resulting
logical languages and will discuss briefly their expressiveness and
some of their meta-properties. I will conclude with some open
questions for future research.
Hope to see you there!
The LIRa team