Dear all, 

We would like to bring the following LIRa-related event to your attention:

======= DEON SEMINAR ON JANUARY 27 AT 1PM CET =========

RE: DEON seminar series on January 27

The Society of Deontic Logic and Normative Systems (DEON) has launched an online seasonal seminar series designed to promote interdisciplinary cooperation amongst scholars interested in linking the formal-logical study of normative concepts, normative language and normative systems with computer science, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, organization theory and law. We view the seminar series as an opportunity to keep in touch with the DEON community and listen in or contribute to presentations and informal discussions on ongoing work. Everyone who is interested in this wonderful area and its questions is welcome.

We are happy to announce that our speaker for the DEON winter seminar will be Fenrong Liu (Professor of Logic, Tsinghua University and University of Amsterdam).

Date and time: January 27, 1pm – 2:30pm CET

Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 892 8700 4976)

Virtual gathering: join us for a virtual gathering on after the talk! No registration needed, just follow this link:

Title: From a two-level perspective on preference to deontic logic

Abstract: By 'two-level perspective on preference' I  mean the following two aspects: a)  given a set of propositions, possibly ordered, we can derive preference relations over individuals.  b) Given preference relations between individuals, we can lift them to an ordering over sets of individuals. After introducing the latest studies in these two lines, I will focus on their relevance to deontic logic. In particular, I will illustrate with the lifted Egli-Milner order and its connection to notions of conditional ought and conditional permission.

1. Fenrong Liu. Reasoning about Preference Dynamics, Springer, 2011. 
2. Johan Benthem, Davide Grossi & Fenrong Liu. Priority Structures in Deontic Logic, Theoria 80 (2):116-152, 2014.
3. Chenwei Shi & Yang Sun. Logic of Convex Order. Studia Logica 109: 1019-1047, 2021. 

If you are interested in the upcoming events in this series, subscribe here:

We hope to see you on the 27th of January!

Ilaria Canavotto, Huimin Dong, and Réka Markovich
DEON Seminar Series organizers


On behalf of the LIRa team, 