Dear all,
We will have our next LIRa session on Thursday, February 4th. Our speaker is Sophia Knight. You can find the details of the talk below. We will use our recurring zoom link: (Meeting ID: 929 0770 4256, Passcode: 036024).
Speaker: Sophia Knight
Date and Time: Thursday, February 4th 2021, 16:30-18:00, Amsterdam time.
Venue: online.
Title: Reasoning about agents who may know other agents’ strategies in Strategy Logic.
Abstract. In this talk I will discuss some new developments in Strategy Logic with imperfect information. Strategy Logic is concerned with agents' strategic abilities in multi-agent systems, and unlike ATL, treats strategies as first-class objects in the logic, independent from the agents. Thus, in imperfect information settings, Strategy Logic raises delicate issues, such as what agents know about one another's strategies. I will describe a new version of Strategy Logic that ensures that agents' strategies are uniform, and allows a formal description of their knowledge about each other's strategies.
Hope to see you there!
The LIRa team