Dear all,
We will have our next LIRa session tomorrow. We will use our recurring zoom link:: (Meeting ID: 929 0770 4256, Password: 036024)
You can find the details of the talk below and the guidelines for our online sessions here:
Speaker: Jörg Endrullis
Date and Time: Thursday, June 18th 2020, 16:30-18:00, Amsterdam time.
Venue: online.
Title: Syllogistic Logic with "Most"
Abstract. We add Most X are Y to the syllogistic logic of All X are Y and Some X are Y. We prove soundness, completeness, and decidability in polynomial time. Our logic has infinitely many rules, and we prove that this is unavoidable. This is joint work with Larry Moss.
Hope to see you there!
The LIRa team