We’re looking for a scientific software developer with Machine Learning (ML) expertise (MSc or PhD in ML).
Together with our current mathematics and Machine Learning developers, you will work on developing new functionality where state-of-the-art ML techniques are applied to problems in computational chemistry.
Dr. S.J.A. van Gisbergen
Software for Chemistry & Materials B.V.
De Boelelaan 1083
1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
E-mail: vangisbergen(a)scm.com
One-year Researcher/Postdoc position (MSc or PhD) on Predictive Methods for Web Crawling at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente, the Netherlands. The vacancy can be found through the following link:
The closing date of the vacancy is 15 January 2021.
We are looking for a researcher (MSc or PhD) for a one-year position (researcher or post-doc) in the WebInsight project at the University of Twente, faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), jointly between the chairs of Data Management and Biometrics (in the Computer Science department) and Mathematics of Operational Research (in the department of Applied Mathematics).
The candidates with MSc can apply for a researcher position. The candidates with PhD can apply for a post-doc position.
The WebInsight project develops, together with project partners, ultra-fast crawling of the Web for real-time market intelligence platforms. This is a practical challenge using big Web data. The work introduces predictive elements in Web crawling, such as ways to "score" websites and pages with scoring functions which reflect the patterns of change in these pages. We achieve this through the mining of Web data, and then building of predictive machine-learning models. The Web data includes both content data which characterizes the pages semantically, and structural data which characterizes link changes on the Web. Big data is available in the project by frequent crawling of the Web.
You will be working with Prof. Nelly Litvak (https://people.utwente.nl/n.litvak), Assist. Prof. Doina Bucur (https://people.utwente.nl/d.bucur), one other post-doctoral researcher, and a number of talented junior researchers from among our students in Computer Science or Applied Mathematics.
* You are highly motivated and an enthusiastic researcher.
* You have PhD or MSc degree in science, such as Computer Science, Data Science, Applied Mathematics or Statistics, Applied Physics, or other sciences related to the study of the Web (or similar large, structured systems) using ideas from data mining, network science, and machine learning.
* You have a strong interest in the topic of Web mining, modelling, and analysis.
* Programming skills (Python) and experience with basic data science tools and techniques (statistics, data mining) are essential. Practical skills in mining big data, and training and interpreting statistical models via machine learning are a plus.
* You have excellent collaboration skills.
* You have good command of English (level C1 or higher).
Prof.dr. Nelly Litvak
Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, and
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science Eindhoven University of Technology
Tel: +31(53)489-3388
We are looking for a candidate with strong algorithmic and programming skills to join our Algorithmics group at TU Delft as a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Mathijs de Weerdt and Dr Emir Demirović. The aim is to develop novel trustworthy, safe, and explainable machine learning algorithms using combinatorial optimisation techniques. Deadline for applying is until the New Year. Note that prior experience with machine learning is optional, but strong algorithmic and programming skills are essential. For more information, please see the ad: https://www.academictransfer.com/en/295058/phd-position-in-algorithmics/?fb…
Dr Emir Demirović
Assistant Professor
Algorithmics group<https://www.tudelft.nl/ewi/over-de-faculteit/afdelingen/software-technology…>, TU Delft
It’s a pleasure to invite you to our online event below, with as a special guest Jay McClelland, coeditor of the 1986 PDP books on connectionist (neural network / machine learning) models of intelligence, perception, language & the mind, providing a perspective on the open challenges for AI.
For more information see below and the website at
Kind regards,
Peter van der Putten
Assistant professor, LIACS, Leiden University
The future of AI is human
The SAILS AI research initiative at Leiden University is inviting you to come and join us for an exciting event on the intersection of AI & art, science and society, on Tuesday December 15, 16.30-18.30 CET, on the SAILS YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzHbM9npjxFMy2LxlZnF5ag>. Free registration here<https://forms.gle/Ss8UwEzr1L6JuGds8> and info on the SAILS website<https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/sails/research/webinar-dec-2020-art-so…>.
We are not alone anymore. Artificial Intelligence is changing society, for better or for worse, and we will need to find new ways to relate to our artificial counterparts. Will our joint future be symbiotic, antagonistic or more one of fruitful collaboration? And what can we actually learn from the AI about what makes us human – perhaps even beyond intelligence? What are the grand challenges that are still out there, and do we even know how to begin to tackle them?
SAILS, the Leiden University wide research program on AI, has the pleasure to invite you to a livestream talk show on December 15, where we invite artists, scientists and designers to debate and imagine our future with AI, through a whirlwind of very current yet not so middle-of-the-road artworks and research projects.
Jay McClelland from Stanford University, whose books on neural networks launched the previous AI summer in the eighties, will conclude the event with his thoughts on the big pieces of puzzle still missing and reflect on our long-term future with AI.
Our guests:
* Vera van de Seyp<https://veravandeseyp.com/> on creative collaboration with AI in typography & design
* Petra Gemeinboeck<https://www.impossiblegeographies.net/> and Rob Saunders<https://www.robsaunders.net/> on creative robotics
* Eduard Fosch Villaronga<https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/eduard-fosch-villaronga#t…> on inclusive robotics & AI
* Suzan Verberne<http://liacs.leidenuniv.nl/~verbernes/> & Jasper Schelling<https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasperschelling/> on polarization and misinformation in media
* Jay McClelland<https://stanford.edu/~jlmcc/>, on what we have learned from AI & connectionist models of the mind, and the grand challenges & questions remaining
More detailed information on the speakers and the event is available on the SAILS website<https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/sails/research/webinar-dec-2020-art-so…>.
Organizers and moderators
* Tessa Verhoef<https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/tessa-verhoef#tab-1>: assistant professor, Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science, Leiden University
* Roy de Kleijn<https://roydekleijn.nl/>, assistant professor, Cognitive Psychology, Leiden University
* Peter van der Putten<http://liacs.leidenuniv.nl/~puttenpwhvander/>: assistant professor, Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science, Leiden University
* Mischa Hautvast<https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/mischa-hautvast#tab-1>: Program coordinator, SAILS
* Streaming production: Lesley van Hoek<https://lesleyvanhoek.nl/>, Graphical design: Vera van de Seyp<https://veravandeseyp.com/>
Dear colleagues,
The Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics at the University of
Amsterdam has a vacancy for a
*PhD position in Mathematical Machine Learning*
The candidate will be supervised by Tim van Erven to work on a topic to
be selected. Possible topics include:
* Adaptive Online Convex Optimization/Sequential Prediction
* Mathematical formalization and analysis of methods that generate
explanations for the decisions of black-box classifiers
We are looking for strong candidates with a background in Mathematical
Statistics/AI/CS or related areas.
For application instructions and further details, see
I would appreciate it if you could pass this along to potential candidates.
Best regards,
Tim van Erven <tim(a)timvanerven.nl>