Dear reinforcement learning researchers,
We kindly invite you to participate in the next Belgium-Netherlands workshop on Reinforcement Learning (BeNeRL).
Date: The event is scheduled for Friday June 3, 2022, at Leiden University. Hopefully, by June the corona numbers have decreased enough again to have a physical event.
Programme: The BeNeRL is a one-day informal workshop, which features several invited speakers and plenty of time for interaction among participants. We especially invite PhD students to bring along a poster.
Registration: For full details on the programme, and a link for registration, please visit: Please register as soon as possible, so we can try to arrange additional capacity if necessary.
Forward: It is unlikely we managed to gather all relevant email addresses - please forward this email within your institute, or to any colleague who would be interested.
Hope to see you in June!
Kind regards,
Thomas Moerland & Aske Plaat
Vacancy: Postdoc Position in Causality for Domain Adaptation and Optimization (University of Amsterdam)
Are you passionate about causality and its applications to domain adaptation and optimization? We have a vacancy for a postdoctoral researcher in the recently established Mercury Machine Learning Lab (MMLL). In this lab, researchers from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) will be working together with data scientists from to develop the statistical and machine learning foundations for a new generation of recommendation systems. Motivated by real-world problems faced in industry, we will investigate fundamental problems regarding generalization and bias removal in data analysis, and develop more usable machine learning and reinforcement learning techniques.
The successful candidate will be based in the Korteweg-De Vries Institute of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, under supervision of prof. dr. Joris Mooij.
Application closing date: February 28, 2022
Preferred starting date: Early 2022
Duration: 4 years
For further information, including how to apply, see the official job advertisement at:…
Joris Mooij
Professor in Mathematical Statistics
University of Amsterdam
Are you passionate about causality and its applications to domain adaptation and optimization? We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate in the recently established Mercury Machine Learning Lab (MMLL). In this lab, researchers from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) will be working together with data scientists from to develop the statistical and machine learning foundations for a new generation of recommendation systems. Motivated by real-world problems faced in industry, we will investigate fundamental problems regarding generalization and bias removal in data analysis, and develop more usable machine learning and reinforcement learning techniques.
The successful candidate will be based in the Korteweg-De Vries Institute of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, under supervision of prof. dr. Joris Mooij.
Application closing date: January 31, 2022
Preferred starting date: Early 2022
Duration: 4 years
For further information, see the official job advertisement at:…
Joris Mooij
Professor in Mathematical Statistics
University of Amsterdam
We invite you to apply for a 1.5-year postdoctoral position in the field of data-driven atmospheric cloud research.
Within the scope of physics-aware and interpretable machine learning, you will be free to set your own scientific emphasis. Possible research directions include data-driven model discovery under incorporation of partial physical knowledge such as conservation laws. Examples for applications include boundary-layer clouds and cloud microphysics.
As a suitable candidate, you have a background in physics-aware and/or interpretable machine learning, or similar, and at least a basic knowledge of physics. Prior experience with atmospheric science and cloud research is not required.
For more details and to apply visit:…
Your application will be given full consideration if you apply before Jan 17, 2022.
TU Delft
Franziska Glassmeier
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department Geoscience and Remote Sensing
PO Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, Netherlands
Post-doc position (36 months) at Delft University of Technology on reinforcement
learning (RL), in collaboration with Potential directions could be
causal RL, Bayesian RL, or multiagent RL.
Application deadline: Jan 16, 2022
Further details:…
For information about this vacancy, please contact Matthijs Spaan and Frans
Oliehoek, who will be the supervisors for this position.
/Robotics/ (ISSN 2218-6581, citescore 3.5)
Volume 10, Issue 4 (December 2021) Table of Contents (26 articles)
*Issue Cover*
/Article/: A Robot Architecture Using ContextSLAM to Find Products in
Unknown Crowded Retail Environments
Daniel Dworakowski, Christopher Thompson, Michael Pham-Hung and Goldie Nejat
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 110; doi:10.3390/robotics10040110
(Please note that the title on the cover is slightly different from the
article title due to character limitations.)
/Article/: A Simulation Study of a Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robot to
Transport Supplies for Patients with Contagious Diseases in Health Care
Marco Carpio, Roque Saltaren, Julio Viola, Cecilia García, Juan Guerra,
Juan Cely and Cristian Calderón
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 111; doi:10.3390/robotics10040111
/Article/: Robot Anticipation Learning System for Ball Catching
Diogo Carneiro, Filipe Silva and Petia Georgieva
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 113; doi:10.3390/robotics10040113
/Article/: Reuleaux Triangle–Based Two Degrees of Freedom Bipedal Robot
Jiteng Yang, Wael Saab, Yujiong Liu and Pinhas Ben-Tzvi
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 114; doi:10.3390/robotics10040114
/Article/: Bio-Inspired Conceptual Mechanical Design and Control of a
New Human Upper Limb Exoskeleton
Narek Zakaryan, Mikayel Harutyunyan and Yuri Sargsyan
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 123; doi:10.3390/robotics10040123
/Article/: A Laser Vision System for Relative 3-D Posture Estimation of
an Underwater Vehicle with Hemispherical Optics
Christos C. Constantinou, George P. Georgiades and Savvas G. Loizou
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 126; doi:10.3390/robotics10040126
/Article/: Modal Kinematic Analysis of a Parallel Kinematic Robot with
Low-Stiffness Transmissions
Paolo Righettini, Roberto Strada and Filippo Cortinovis
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 132; doi:10.3390/robotics10040132
/Article/: Overcoming Kinematic Singularities for Motion Control in a
Caster Wheeled Omnidirectional Robot
Oded Medina and Shlomi Hacohen
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 133; doi:10.3390/robotics10040133
/Article/: Multi-Domain Dynamic Modelling of a Low-Cost Upper Limb
Rehabilitation Robot
Adam G. Metcalf, Justin F. Gallagher, Andrew E. Jackson and Martin C.
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 134; doi:10.3390/robotics10040134
*Aerospace Robotics and Autonomous Systems*
/Article/: A Mixed-Initiative Formation Control Strategy for Multiple
George C. Karras, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis, George K. Fourlas and
Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 116; doi:10.3390/robotics10040116
/Article/: Dynamically Balanced Pointing System for CubeSats: Study and
3D Printing Manufacturing
Nicholas Sesto Gorella, Matteo Caruso, Paolo Gallina and Stefano Seriani
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 121; doi:10.3390/robotics10040121
*Industrial Robots & Automation*
/Review/: A Suite of Robotic Solutions for Nuclear Waste Decommissioning
Ivan Vitanov, Ildar Farkhatdinov, Brice Denoun, Francesca Palermo, Ata
Otaran, Joshua Brown, Bukeikhan Omarali, Taqi Abrar, Miles Hansard,
Changjae Oh, Stefan Poslad, Chen Liu, Hareesh Godaba, Ketao Zhang,
Lorenzo Jamone and Kaspar Althoefer
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 112; doi:10.3390/robotics10040112
/Article/: A Low-Cost and Semi-Autonomous Robotic Scanning System for
Characterising Radiological Waste
Stephen David Monk, Craig West, Manuel Bandala, Nile Dixon, Allahyar
Montazeri, C. James Taylor and David Cheneler
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 119; doi:10.3390/robotics10040119
*Medical Robotics and Service Robotics*
/Article/: A Single-Actuated, Cable-Driven, and Self-Contained Robotic
Hand Designed for Adaptive Grasps
Negin Nikafrooz and Alexander Leonessa
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 109; doi:10.3390/robotics10040109
/Article/: Going Hands-Free: MagnetoSuture™ for Untethered Guided Needle
Penetration of Human Tissue Ex Vivo
Lamar O. Mair, Sagar Chowdhury, Xiaolong Liu, Onder Erin, Oleg Udalov,
Suraj Raval, Benjamin Johnson, Sahar Jafari, David J. Cappelleri, Yancy
Diaz-Mercado, Axel Krieger and Irving N. Weinberg
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 129; doi:10.3390/robotics10040129
*Intelligent Robots and Mechatronics*
/Review/: Personalization and Localization in Human-Robot Interaction: A
Review of Technical Methods
Mehdi Hellou, Norina Gasteiger, Jong Yoon Lim, Minsu Jang and Ho Seok Ahn
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 120; doi:10.3390/robotics10040120
/Article/: Multi-Robot Routing Problem with Min–Max Objective
Jennifer David and Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 122; doi:10.3390/robotics10040122
/Article/: Feasibility and Performance Validation of a Leap Motion
Controller for Upper Limb Rehabilitation
Marcus R. S. B. de Souza, Rogério S. Gonçalves and Giuseppe Carbone
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 130; doi:10.3390/robotics10040130
*Sensors and Control in Robotics*
/Article/: Inverse Kinematic Control of a Delta Robot Using Neural
Networks in Real-Time
Akram Gholami, Taymaz Homayouni, Reza Ehsani and Jian-Qiao Sun
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 115; doi:10.3390/robotics10040115
/Article/: Topological Analysis of a Novel Compact Omnidirectional
Three-Legged Robot with Parallel Hip Structures Regarding Locomotion
Capability and Load Distribution
David Feller and Christian Siemers
Robotics 2021, 10(4), 117; doi:10.3390/robotics10040117
*Special Issues Open for Submissions*
Soft Robotics: Fusing Function with Structure
(Deadline: 20 January 2022)
Advances in Industrial Robotics and Intelligent Systems
(Deadline: 31 January 2022)
Advanced Technologies for Autonomous Surgical Robotics
(Deadline: 31 January 2022)
Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control in Robotic Systems
(Deadline: 15 February 2022)
Robot Learning: Mapping from Perception to Action
(Deadline: 15 February 2022)
Special Issue Proposal - Open for Application
*Recent Special Issue Reprints*
Kinematics and Robot Design I, KaRD2018
Raffaele Di Gregorio (Ed.)
ISBN 978-3-0365-1018-7 (Hbk) ; ISBN 978-3-0365-1019-4 (PDF)
doi: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-1019-4
Advances in Italian Robotics
Giovanni Boschetti, Giulio Rosati and Giuseppe Carbone (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-03928-931-8 (Pbk); ISBN 978-3-03928-932-5 (PDF)
doi: 10.3390/books978-3-03928-932-5
Mechanism Design for Robotics
Marco Ceccarelli and Alessandro Gasparetto (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-03921-058-9 (Pbk); ISBN 978-3-03921-059-6 (PDF)
doi: 10.3390/books978-3-03921-059-6
*Upcoming Partner Conferences*
The 6th International Conference on Data Processing and Robotics
(ICDPR 2022) (Sapporo, Japan, 6–8 January 2022)
2022 The 8th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics
Engineering (Munich, Germany, 10–12 February 2022)
2022 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and
Human-Computer Interaction(MLHMI 2022) (Singapore, 18–20 March 2022)
The 14th International Conference on Computer and Automation
Engineering 2022 (ICCAE 2022) (Brisbane, Australia, 25–27 March 2022)
2022 the 8th International Conference on Mechatronics System and
Robots (ICMSR 2022) (Singapore, 14–16 April 2022)
10th *Anniversary* of Robotics: A series of special content and events
Best Paper Award in Special Issue "Women in Robotics" (500CHF)
Deadline: 31 August 2022
Robotics 2021–2022 Travel Awards (800 CHF)
Application Deadline: 30 June 2022
Robotics 2021–2022 Best Video Abstract Award (500 CHF)
Kind regards,
Ms. Charlene Dong
Managing Editor
Email: charlene.dong(a)
Robotics (
MDPI Branch Office, Beijing Robotics Editorial Office
E-Mail: robotics(a)
St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, Switzerland
Dear Dutch Machine Learners,
We're happy to announce that there will once again be an (online)NeurIPS
debriefing, wherein PhD students and/or senior researchers will briefly
present the paper they found the most interesting atNeurIPS2021.
IfNeurIPS is on your radar, we'd like you to consider being one of the
The format is to have 2.5 hours of short talks (15 or 20 minutes, in
English). It is not required to have attendedNeurIPS, and you would
usually not present your own paper. Talks are generally quite informal,
and we like to keep a friendly atmosphere, so this is an ideal
opportunity for PhD students to gain experience in presenting.
An exact date and schedule will be announced later, but we are currently
thinking to set the date in late February or early March.
If you are interested in giving a talk or if you have any questions,
please email Jack.
For up to date information and an overview of past meetings, see
Best regards,
Jack J. Mayo <> (j.j.mayo(a)
Tim van Erven <> (tim(a)
Tim van Erven<tim(a)>
*10 years of MDPI Robotics: Join us in the celebration!*
Dear Colleagues,
We hope this email finds you safe and well!
2021 marks the 10th anniversary of /Robotics/. This is an important
milestone for /Robotics/ and a great opportunity to celebrate our
history of achievements, highlight our capabilities, and forge our path
into the future.
Here ( is the
anniversary page, interviews with the chief editors, etc. The goal of
this campaign is to stimulate dialogue with you and with our scientific
community, sharing our vision for Open Access publishing with the wider
*Celebration Activities* including:
Robotics 2021–2022 Travel Awards
Robotics 2021–2022 Best Video Abstract Award
*Anniversary Special Issues*:
Robotics: 10th Anniversary Feature Papers
10th Anniversary of Robotics—Feature Papers in Intelligent Robots and
At the end of 2021, we look forward to joining you in celebrating this
exciting journal milestone!
Best regards,
Charlene Dong
Managing Editor
Email: charlene.dong(a)
Robotics (
MDPI Branch Office, Beijing Robotics Editorial Office
E-Mail: robotics(a)
St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, Switzerland
The 2020 CiteScores of Robotics is released and it increased to 3.5
(Ranking Q2 in Control and Optimization category).
Dear all,
On behalf of the organisers, I would like to advertise the following:
Reinforcement Learning Challenge, 17th-31st January 2022
The Net Zero Technology Centre, Alan Turing Institute RangL project and Oxquant announce the ‘Pathways to Net Zero’ Reinforcement Learning challenge, which will take place from 17th-31st January 2022. As showcased at COP26 (see the video here), the challenge is to control the rate of deployment of zero-carbon technologies towards net zero UK carbon emissions in 2050. Sign up here to compete as an individual or team.
Alessandro Zocca (he/his)
Assistant Professor
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Department of Mathematics