NEUROMORPHIC COMPUTING NETHERLANDS (NCN2022) We kindly invite you to the 2nd edition of the Neuromorphic Computing Netherlands (NCN2022) Workshop hosted this year at Radboud University Nijmegen. Neuromorphic Computing inspired by computation in the brain is rapidly growing in high-tech research as the principal paradigm for EdgeAI. In this workshop, we aim to bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines working with neuromorphic technology to discuss trends from algorithmic, architectural, and application domains across the Netherlands. For this edition, the leitmotif is: control and learning. The event is free, but registration is required.
Date: 30th September 2022, 11.30 – 18.00h (CEST) Website: Location (hybrid): Robot Atrium – MM 01.430 & MM 01.573 (room + poster / lunch space) Maria Montessori building | Thomas van Aquinostraat 4, 6525 GD Nijmegen. AI Department, Donders Center of Cognition, Radboud University Nijmegen. Keynote speakers: Charlotte Frenkel (TU Delft) and Christian Machens (Champalimaud Centre, Portugal) Registration (Deadline 12th September):
In the registration process, you can apply to give a presentation, bring a poster or only attend. Please be aware that we have limited space, and the in-person registration will close when full. If you cannot attend but want to watch the presentations you can also register to get the online link.
Program: TBA
Contact persons: Registration: Mahyar Shahsavari | General: Sander Keemink
Organizing committee: Sander Keemink, Mahyar Shahsavari, Justus Hüboter, Johan Kwisthout, Marcel van Gerven, Bodo Rückauer, Pablo Lanillos. On behalf of the organizing committee, looking forward to seeing you all in September!
Supported by - Donders Institute - project (HBP) - NWO
--- Dr. Pablo Lanillos
Tenured assistant professor in Cognitive Artificial Intelligence | AI Robotics Lab ELLIS Nijmegen Unit Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, the Netherlands p.lanillos @
--- Dr. Pablo Lanillos www.therobotdecision.com
Tenured assistant professor in Cognitive Artificial Intelligence | AI Robotics Lab ELLIS Nijmegen Unit Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, the Netherlands p.lanillos @