Dear all,

With Jack Mayo we are organizing a symposium on recent developments in the theory of bandit algorithms on March 10 at the University of Amsterdam.

Bandit algorithms operate in a model for repeated decision making under limited feedback, with great diversity in applications. They are of fundamental interest in machine learning theory and operations research.

Preliminary Schedule

13.30-14.00 Jack Mayo (University of Amsterdam)
Improved Algorithms for Adversarial Linear Contextual Bandits via Reduction
14:00-14.30 Wouter Koolen (CWI and University of Twente)

Coffee Break
14:45-15.15 Julia Olkhovskaya (Delft University of Technology)
15.15-15.45 Dirk van der Hoeven (Leiden University)

Coffee Break
16.00-17.00 Tentative: Tor Lattimore (Google Deepmind)



Attendance is free, but registration before February 28 is highly appreciated via the symposium website:


The symposium will be in the main University of Amsterdam building in the Science Park in Amsterdam:

Room A1.04 at Science Park 904

See also Google Maps.

When entering through the main entrance, the room will be one floor up on your left.

Best regards,


Tim van Erven <>