Dear all,
This Monday, October 21, we have Julien Zhou speaking in the Statistics and Machine Learning Thematic Seminar. Julien is a visiting PhD student from Inria and Criteo.
*Julien Zhou *(Inria Grenoble-Alpes and Criteo AI Lab,
*Monday October 21*, 16h00-17h00 Hybrid, at the University of Amsterdam and Online Location: Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, Science Park 907, Room F1.15 Directions: Online:
*Submodular Optimization with Bandit feedbacks
*We address the online unconstrained submodular maximization problem (Online USM), in a setting with stochastic bandit feedback. In this framework, a decision-maker receives noisy rewards from a nonmonotone submodular function, taking values in a known bounded interval. We propose an Explore-then-Commit inspired approach satisfying logarithmic problem-dependent, 1/2-approximate regret, leveraging the inner structure of the reward.
Seminar organizers: Tim van Erven