Dear all,
We are writing to you to promote the third "*Conference of Young Applied Mathematicians*", which will be held between the 18th and the 22nd of September 2023 in Siena (SI), Italy.
The conference aims to gather young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) working in the fields of Numerical Analysis, Numerical Modelling, Statistics, and Machine Learning. Every conference day will be opened by a plenary talk that will be given by senior lecturers. The remainder of the session is dedicated to the participants, who are strongly encouraged to present their research projects or activities. To allow everyone to talk, two parallel sessions will be organized, one devoted to Numerical Analysis and Numerical Modelling and one devoted to Machine Learning and Statistics.
For further details, please visit the website:
For anyone interested in taking part in this conference, this is the link for the application form (deadline: 13th May):
Please keep in mind that we have limited spots. It will still be possible to apply after the early registration closes (with an increased fee) until all the spots are filled.
We kindly ask you to help us publicize the event.
For any questions, please contact us at
Thank you.
Best regards, The organizers
G. Auricchio, G. A. D'Inverno, C. Graziani, V. Lachi, F. Locatelli, G. Loli, L. Zambon