Dear colleagues,
*Best Paper Award* in Special Issue "Women in Robotics" (500CHF) Deadline: 31 August 2022
You are welcome to submit articles by at least one female co-author to this special issue "Women in Robotics" Guest editors: Prof. Dr. Naira Hovakimyan, Prof. Dr. Anna Esposito and Prof. Dr. Sanaz Mostaghim Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 June 2022
Each award nominee will be assessed on her paper's originality, quality, and contribution to the field by the Evaluation Committee. The winner will receive a certificate, an award of 500 CHF, and an opportunity to publish her next submission in Robotics free of charge.
If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact us via email or within two weeks.
Thanks for your support. Look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ms. Charlene Dong Managing Editor Email: Robotics (