Forwarding on behalf of Joris Mooij:
We are seeking six PhD candidates and a postdoctoral researcher for the recently established Mercury Machine Learning Lab (MMLL).
In this lab, researchers from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) will be working together with data scientists from to develop the machine learning foundations for a new generation of recommendation systems. Motivated by real-world problems faced in industry, we will investigate fundamental problems regarding generalization and bias removal in data analysis, and develop more usable machine learning and reinforcement learning techniques.
As part of the MMLL initiative, the University of Amsterdam and the Delft University of Technology are inviting applications for the following six fully funded PhD positions:
Position 1: Bridging online and offline evaluation (supervisor: Maarten de Rijke, UvA) Position 2: Avoiding filter bubbles by correcting for selection bias (supervisor: Joris Mooij, UvA) Position 3: Domain generalization and domain adaptation (supervisor: Joris Mooij, UvA) Position 4: Training NLP Models for Better Generalisation (supervisors: Ivan Titov & Wilker Aziz, UvA) Position 5: Model-based Exploration (supervisors: Matthijs Spaan & Frans Oliehoek, TU Delft) Position 6: Parallel Model-based Reinforcement Learning (supervisors: Matthijs Spaan & Frans Oliehoek, TU Delft)
More details on the contents of the MMLL research projects are provided on the MMLL webpage,
In addition, the University of Amsterdam invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher to assist with the research and the supervision of the PhD students.
For further information, see the official job advertisements at:
The application deadline is August 23rd, 2021.
------------------------------------------------------------- Joris Mooij Professor in Mathematical Statistics University of Amsterdam