We are looking for a candidate with strong algorithmic and programming skills to join our Algorithmics group at TU Delft as a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Mathijs de Weerdt and Dr Emir Demirović. The aim is to develop novel trustworthy, safe, and explainable machine learning algorithms using combinatorial optimisation techniques. Deadline for applying is until the New Year. Note that prior experience with machine learning is optional, but strong algorithmic and programming skills are essential. For more information, please see the ad: https://www.academictransfer.com/en/295058/phd-position-in-algorithmics/?fbc...
Dr Emir Demirović
Assistant Professor
Algorithmics grouphttps://www.tudelft.nl/ewi/over-de-faculteit/afdelingen/software-technology/algorithmics/, TU Delft