Dear all,
I am forwarding the message below on behalf of Bob Planqué about the
other NWA ORC call that may be of interest to mathematicians.
Sorry to be off-topic, but I thought it might be of sufficient interest.
Best regards,
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: NWA Orirgins route
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:50:52 +0000
From: Planque, R. (Bob) <r.planque(a)>
To: tim(a) <tim(a)>
NWA-ORC call open for (mathematical) research on the relationship
between life and planets.
The Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) has opened a new call for consortia to
apply, see…
Among the different routes within the NWA, I would like to draw your
attention to the Origins of Life route, see
<>. The OC tries to foster research and
collaborations dedicated to the emergence and evolution of life, from
outer space to here on Earth. It involves scientists ranging from
astronomers, physicists, (bio)chemists, biologists, and also some
The new call is broadly speaking on the relationship between (evolving)
life and a changing planet. See section 7.4.12 of…
for a more detailed description.
In the first consortium, there are two projects in which mathematics
plays a prominent role. I am co-supervising a PhD student, together with
a physicist in Groningen, on a project involving differential equations,
and Renee Hoekzema has a project in the field of Topological Data
Analysis together with a researcher from Naturalis.
We hope that more mathematicians will feel inspired to contribute to
this field.
The consortia are set up by a series of workshops by NWO. The first
workshop for the Origins route is on April 14. To apply, visit
If people have questions, feel free to contact me: r.planque(a)
Warm regards,
Bob Planqué
Dept of Mathematics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dr Bob Planqué
Associate Professor in Mathematical Biology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dear colleagues,
we are organizing a workshop on the NWA Symmetries Theme at the Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam on *Wed March 19, 2025* in the afternoon. The
exact location will be communicated in due time. We invite you to
participate and kindly ask you to forward this e-mail to relevant
contacts at your institution that may also be interested.
The goal of this workshop is to bring physicists and mathematicians
together whose research interests connect the themes in the NWA call on
"Symmetries" that was just published:…
Apart from the intrinsic scientific interest, the workshop also gives an
opportunity to explore potential research connections already ahead of
the formal "matchmaking" meetings.
To register your interest in the workshop, please complete the
registration form at
by *Wed March 12, 2025*, so that we have all necessary information in
one place.
We do have some slots for short presentations (approximation. 10min) to
outline (i) your research and/or that of your institution, (ii) how this
links to the NWA Symmetry call, (iii) what nonmathematicians you can
link to. If you are interested in contributing such a presentation,
please give a title and abstract in the registration form.
We hope to see you at the VU!
Best wishes,
Chris on behalf of the organizers
Christian Bick
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Amsterdam Center for Dynamics and Computation