Dear colleagues
As agreed during our last meeting, we shall focus this one on sharing best teaching delivery and assessment practices
so, we would like to ask you to prepare a one short pitch each, on the following topic:
--this is a positive teaching delivery /or teaching assessment / method that worked well and I would like to share with you / offer to you as an option for your courses
We look very much forward to it.
Please be there!
Please note: if you cannot make it to the meeting, please prepare a short paragraph on your best teaching delivery and assessment practice and possibly some links that can demonstrate it. Please forward these to me before the meeting
All the best
Maria and Luca
Maria Kaika
Professor of Urban Regional and Environmental Planning
Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO)
New Publications
-<> Kaika, M. (2018). Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene. European Planning Studies, 26(9), 1714-1727. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1484893
-<> Luke, N., & Kaika, M. (2018). Ripping the Heart out of Ancoats: Collective Action to Defend Infrastructures of Social Reproduction against Gentrification. Antipode. doi: 10.1111/anti.12468; first published early online 21 November 2018
Postal address
Prof. Maria Kaika
University of Amsterdam
Att: Secretariaat GPIO
REC C, kamer C 4.08
Valckenierstraat 65-67
1018 XE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Visiting address
Roeterseilandcampus C 4.017 Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam | The Netherlands
Web page:
From: Marco Te Brömmelstroet []
Sent: 05 February 2019 18:12
To: Upcoregroup(a)
Subject: [Upcoregroup] Urban Planning meeting notes (+ listserv)
Hi all,
See attached the notes of our meeting of today. A bit long due to the sharing of information. Maybe next time this works better to file somewhere before each meeting for further reference.
Also: I created this listserv on UvA servers to allow us to share relevant information for the Core Group members of Urban Planning. I added all of you to the list, so you should be allowed to send messages directly to that address. Since each message will automatically get [UPCoregroup] in the subject, you can easily have it forwarded to a folder.
Dr. Marco te Brömmelstroet
University of Amsterdam
Our newest publications [Open Access]:
Towards a pattern language for cycling environments: merging variables and narratives [link<>]
Traveling together alone and alone together: mobility and potential exposure to diversity [link<>]
Planning for cycling in the dispersed city: establishing a hierarchy of effectiveness of municipal cycling policies [link<>]
Our documentary: Why We Cycle<> (trailer<>)
Associate Professor in Urban Planning
Academic Director of Urban Cycling Institute<>
Twitter<> | Facebook<> | Blog<> | Publications<>
Work days: Monday, Thursday, Friday
Visiting address: Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Room C 4.15
Postal address: PO Box 15629, 1001 NC Amsterdam
Dear all
Many thanks to those who responded to the scheduling of our next meeting
Please put the date firmly in your agenda
2nd April 9-11.
We shall focus on best (and worst) teaching and assessment practices
So please do bring your best and worst experiences to the table
Looking very much forward to it
All the best
Maria Kaika
Professor of Urban Regional and Environmental Planning
Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO)
New Publications
-<> Kaika, M. (2018). Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a 'Scholarship of Presence' for the Anthropocene. European Planning Studies, 26(9), 1714-1727. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1484893
-<> Luke, N., & Kaika, M. (2018). Ripping the Heart out of Ancoats: Collective Action to Defend Infrastructures of Social Reproduction against Gentrification. Antipode. doi: 10.1111/anti.12468; first published early online 21 November 2018
Postal address
Prof. Maria Kaika
University of Amsterdam
Att: Secretariaat GPIO
REC C, kamer C 4.08
Valckenierstraat 65-67
1018 XE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Visiting address
Roeterseilandcampus C 4.017 Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam | The Netherlands
Web page: