Hi all,
Very inspiring meeting yesterday! We didn’t assign a ‘notulist’ (next time?), here I send you my scribbled notes in attachments. No time at the moment to type them in. Feel free to contact each other to ask further questions, in-depth info.
Action points:
- Make rubrics/syllabus dropbox (note: in CANVAS there is also a rubrics repository)
- Assessment overview: Jochem as agenda point for next meeting
Links and examples
The UvA video server (to be used as repository for student video …
[View More]work. Students can upload and link to/embed videos, but these can be set to private use only. You need to log in with UvAnetID. Good add-on for CANVAS in relation to the video exercises we discussed:
The UVA picture repository, where you can use pictures with owned copyright. Also, you can always use google search images and then filter on user rights (under more or tools). You need to log in with UvAnetID. You can add your own, and search the database with keyword: https://beeldbank.uva.nl
Mendel introduced the Portfolio method, which I copied two years ago: It offers guidance for those students that want to learn, but struggle (with assignments that give points for just doing them on the right time; i.e. summarizing key readings before class) and for those students that want to excel (with non-mandatory assignments to score extra points with; i.e. write blog connecting things). I attach our (old) manual in Dutch, we are currently redesigning it for Moving the City 2020.
We talked about creating awareness of each others RUBRICS. I attach one that I used in Leeronderzoek (2nd year Bachelor)
Dr. Marco te Brömmelstroet
University of Amsterdam
Our newest publications [Open Access]:
Towards a pattern language for cycling environments: merging variables and narratives [link<https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23800127.2018.1505261>]
Traveling together alone and alone together: mobility and potential exposure to diversity [link<http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23800127.2017.1283122>]
Planning for cycling in the dispersed city: establishing a hierarchy of effectiveness of municipal cycling policies [link<https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11116-018-9878-3>]
Our documentary: Why We Cycle<http://whywecycle.eu/> (trailer<https://vimeo.com/246432864>)
Associate Professor in Urban Planning
Academic Director of Urban Cycling Institute<http://www.urbancyclinginstitute.com/>
Twitter<http://www.twitter.com/fietsprofessor> | Facebook<https://www.fb.com/fietsprofessor> | Blog<http://www.dutchcyclingacademy.com/> | Publications<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marco_Broemmelstroet>
Work days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Visiting address: Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Room C 4.15
Postal address: PO Box 15629, 1001 NC Amsterdam
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