Dear colleagues I would like to thank you for making this a great year for the UP group, despite the downturns and frustrations. Our group is going excellent despite it all, and this is only thanks to our collective willpower, communication and motivation to make the world a better place. As our teaching and examining proliferates but also slowly comes to an end, I am emailing to let you know that I shall have to be away from email in July as I urgently need to finalize my ERC grant application and to catch up with some form of writing. Like all of us I have suffered a massive downturn in writing and research time – and time for life too but this is a different matter. - Basically, I have done null writing or research during the whole academic year. This has really got at me and July is the only time available to me to try and catch up with something meaningful in terms of research.
So in case you need to get in touch with me in July (and August) please find my phone number below and give me a call. Thank you again for being great colleagues, Maria Phone Number: 062-19-70-521
Prof. Dr Maria Kaika (DPhil, Oxon, MArch NTUA) Chair in Urban Regional and Environmental Planning [] New Open Access: Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene Publications: Web page: Address: Prof Maria Kaika | c/o GPIO Secretary | University of Amsterdam Roeterseilandcampus C4.08 | PO Box 15629 | Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | Amsterdam 1001 NC | The Netherlands
From: Afdelingssecretariaat GPIO Sent: dinsdag 18 juni 2019 13:18 Subject: FW: Invitation for the opening of the anniversary MARE conference Tuesday 25 June, 9.30 am
Dear colleagues in GPIO, Back in 2000, our department helped to found the social-science Centre for Maritime Research (MARE), that is currently supported by six European universities and has since gained a global profile. Next week we will be holding our tenth (jubilee) People and the Sea Conference at the University of Amsterdam, which will be attended by approximately 400 scholars from all over the world.
The opening will take place on Tuesday, June 25th as of 9.30 am in the Aula of the University of Amsterdam (Singel 411), and we cordially invite you to join us for this festive occasion. The conference programme book can be consulted at www.marecentre.nl – please feel free to drop in any session that you might feel interesting!
With best wishes, Maarten Bavinck/Joeri Scholtens