Dear colleagues This year’s UP away day will be different It will be a real ‘away day’ The place: Buurtboederij Ons Genoegen The date: 11th June The time: 9:45 for a start at 10 am for us, the core group meeting 13:00 lunch . the Doctoral students post docs and UP masters students will join us 14:00 onwards UP general meeting (Including doctoral students, post docs, and masters UP students) We shall send an agenda later on Please send us items for it If we cannot have a core meeting in between, we shall start with Jochem’s analysis of our teaching Looking very much forward to it Maria and Luca
Prof. Dr Maria Kaika (DPhil, Oxon, MArch NTUA) Chair in Urban Regional and Environmental Planning [] New Open Access: Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene Publications: Web page: Address: Prof Maria Kaika | c/o GPIO Secretary | University of Amsterdam Roeterseilandcampus C4.08 | PO Box 15629 | Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | Amsterdam 1001 NC | The Netherlands
From: Kaika, Maria Sent: 29 January 2019 14:52 To: Bertolini, Luca; Verloo, Nanke; Giezen, Mendel; Savini, Federico; Vries, Jochem de; Brommelstroet, Marco te; Ronald, Richard; Hissink Muller, Bas; Tasan-Kok, Tuna; Evers, David; Hemel, Zef; Kaika, Maria Subject: next core group meeting: Tuesday February 5th, 10:00-12:00 hrs Importance: High
Dear Planners Just a reminder that our next core group meeting is on Tuesday 5th February 10-12. We shall squat as usual Mendel, Fede and Nanke’s room (with their permission!) There are currently three main items for the agenda which I copy below Please let me have any other items if you wish. We shall take them on board if time permits
1. This year’s research projects and research plans - each one gives us an overview of what they are engaged with (research wise) at the moment. We want to hear about
1. concrete projects that are already running, 2. publications already in the pipeline (draft form or submitted or out) 3. proposals already submitted, or about to be submitted.
Please refrain from talking about ideas that are still vague. We shall have another time for this one perhaps
1. How do we develop a culture of better sharing our research with each other? We need concrete suggestions here For example:
1. Taking 10 mins at the beginning of each one of these meetings to talk about a current paper/project (two people each time, 5+5 minutes) 2. Having an ‘away’ day of presentations of our own work only - with our PhDs and our research masters present? 3. Any other ideas?
1. sharing teaching assessment and classroom best practices; what works for you and what does nt how can we learn from each other? Looking forward to it All the best maria
Maria Kaika Professor of Urban Regional and Environmental Planning Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO) [cid:image001.jpg@01D1DB5A.59396BD0]
New Publications - Kaika, M. (2018). Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene. European Planning Studies, 26(9), 1714-1727. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1484893 - Luke, N., & Kaika, M. (2018). Ripping the Heart out of Ancoats: Collective Action to Defend Infrastructures of Social Reproduction against Gentrification. Antipode. doi: 10.1111/anti.12468; first published early online 21 November 2018
Postal address Prof. Maria Kaika University of Amsterdam Att: Secretariaat GPIO REC C, kamer C 4.08 Valckenierstraat 65-67 1018 XE Amsterdam The Netherlands Visiting address Roeterseilandcampus C 4.017 Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam | The Netherlands Web page: Publications:
From: Bertolini, Luca Sent: 23 October 2018 17:38 To: Verloo, Nanke; Giezen, Mendel; Savini, Federico; Vries, Jochem de; Brommelstroet, Marco te; Ronald, Richard; Hissink Muller, Bas; Tasan-Kok, Tuna Cc: Kaika, Maria Subject: Research workloads document Importance: High
Dear all,
Thanks you for your comments and suggestions on the first draft of the document on reducing research workloads. Attached you find a revised version where we tried to incorporate them. Let us say that the exchange showed, once again, that we are faced with a paradoxical task, and the document is now much more explicit about that. Before you read the revision, please be reminded of the function of this document. This will be the input of the urban planning group leaders to the ‘grote vierhoek’ meeting of 13 November, where proposals to reduce workloads that can be taken at the level of the department will be discussed (so not proposals requiring decisions by the Faculty, the University, or the Ministry). In particular, the program group leaders have been asked for proposals to reduce research workloads (the education program directors have been asked for proposals to reduce workloads in teaching - that is why we decided to not go beyond principles and illustrative examples in the teaching sections, even more so than in the previous version).
The way that, already in the first draft, we chose to interpret this task is to express a number of principles on also teaching workloads and budgets, and on research budgets, as we felt these are all interrelated. With respect to the question of how to reduce research workloads, we chose to show what, with the research time presently available, can be humanly expected of individual research efforts (so, not ‘output’). As several of you demanded, in this version we tried to make clearer that we are against any further cuts in research budgets, and rather demand more investment, because increasing investments is the only credible way of increasing research efforts without risking destroying people (and loosing, well, everything in the process). So, we think that the message, thanks to your comments and suggestions, has much gained in clarity. Whether it will achieve anything substantial is a different matter. It feels, anyway, as a meaningful step.
With this goal and context in mind, we would like now to ask you to choose, by the end of the week, one of the following options: -Accept the document as it is -Accept, conditional to minor amendments of the text; please suggest these amendments -Not accept the document, as you feel there are fundamental issues that still need discussion within the group before it can be submitted to the ‘grote vierhoek’. This discussion will have to take place sometimes next week, face to face ( we don't think an online discussion would be appropriate in this case). Please mention the fundamental issues that require discussion (but please no amendments to the document if you choose this option). -Accept the document for the present purpose, but at the same time request that fundamental issues be discussed in the group at a later, but close enough moment (for example at the next urban planning core group meeting of 20 November). Please, if you choose this option, mention the issues that require discussion.
Best, Luca (also on behalf of Maria)
*** Just out: [Planning the Mobile Metropolis] ‘Highly recommended!’ - Patsy Healey, Newcastle University, UK ‘This is a superb text’ - Carey Curtis, Curtin University, Australia ‘The discussion is illuminating’ - Robin Hickman, University College London, UK ‘A requirement read, cover to cover’ - Moshe Givoni, Tel‐Aviv University, Israel
Click here for more information
University of Amsterdam Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO) Centre for Urban Studies Programme group Urban Planning
Luca Bertolini Professor of Urban and Regional Planning Director, Center for Urban Studies
Visiting address: Room C 4.17 | Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam T 020 525 4007 | F 020 5254051
Postal address: PO Box 15629 | 1001 NC Amsterdam | The Netherlands
Visit my personal webpage Follow me on twitter
Sorry, I have to be at PBL on that day.
On 1 May 2019, at 22:32, Kaika, Maria <> wrote:
Dear colleagues This year’s UP away day will be different It will be a real ‘away day’ The place: Buurtboederij Ons Genoegen The date: 11th June The time: 9:45 for a start at 10 am for us, the core group meeting 13:00 lunch . the Doctoral students post docs and UP masters students will join us 14:00 onwards UP general meeting (Including doctoral students, post docs, and masters UP students) We shall send an agenda later on Please send us items for it If we cannot have a core meeting in between, we shall start with Jochem’s analysis of our teaching Looking very much forward to it Maria and Luca
Prof. Dr Maria Kaika (DPhil, Oxon, MArch NTUA) Chair in Urban Regional and Environmental Planning <image002.jpg> New Open Access: Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene Publications: Web page: Address: Prof Maria Kaika | c/o GPIO Secretary | University of Amsterdam Roeterseilandcampus C4.08 | PO Box 15629 | Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | Amsterdam 1001 NC | The Netherlands
From: Kaika, Maria <> Sent: 29 January 2019 14:52 To: Bertolini, Luca <>; Verloo, Nanke <>; Giezen, Mendel <>; Savini, Federico <>; Vries, Jochem de <>; Brommelstroet, Marco te <>; Ronald, Richard <>; Hissink Muller, Bas <>; Tasan-Kok, Tuna <>; Evers, David <>; Hemel, Zef <>; Kaika, Maria <> Subject: next core group meeting: Tuesday February 5th, 10:00-12:00 hrs Importance: High
Dear Planners Just a reminder that our next core group meeting is on Tuesday 5th February 10-12. We shall squat as usual Mendel, Fede and Nanke’s room (with their permission!) There are currently three main items for the agenda which I copy below Please let me have any other items if you wish. We shall take them on board if time permits
1. This year’s research projects and research plans - each one gives us an overview of what they are engaged with (research wise) at the moment. We want to hear about
1. concrete projects that are already running, 2. publications already in the pipeline (draft form or submitted or out) 3. proposals already submitted, or about to be submitted.
Please refrain from talking about ideas that are still vague. We shall have another time for this one perhaps
1. How do we develop a culture of better sharing our research with each other? We need concrete suggestions here For example:
1. Taking 10 mins at the beginning of each one of these meetings to talk about a current paper/project (two people each time, 5+5 minutes) 2. Having an ‘away’ day of presentations of our own work only – with our PhDs and our research masters present? 3. Any other ideas?
1. sharing teaching assessment and classroom best practices; what works for you and what does nt how can we learn from each other? Looking forward to it All the best maria
Maria Kaika Professor of Urban Regional and Environmental Planning Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO) <image005.jpg>
New Publications - Kaika, M. (2018). Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene. European Planning Studies, 26(9), 1714-1727. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1484893 - Luke, N., & Kaika, M. (2018). Ripping the Heart out of Ancoats: Collective Action to Defend Infrastructures of Social Reproduction against Gentrification. Antipode. doi: 10.1111/anti.12468; first published early online 21 November 2018
Postal address Prof. Maria Kaika University of Amsterdam Att: Secretariaat GPIO REC C, kamer C 4.08 Valckenierstraat 65-67 1018 XE Amsterdam The Netherlands Visiting address Roeterseilandcampus C 4.017 Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam | The Netherlands Web page: Publications:
From: Bertolini, Luca Sent: 23 October 2018 17:38 To: Verloo, Nanke; Giezen, Mendel; Savini, Federico; Vries, Jochem de; Brommelstroet, Marco te; Ronald, Richard; Hissink Muller, Bas; Tasan-Kok, Tuna Cc: Kaika, Maria Subject: Research workloads document Importance: High
Dear all,
Thanks you for your comments and suggestions on the first draft of the document on reducing research workloads. Attached you find a revised version where we tried to incorporate them. Let us say that the exchange showed, once again, that we are faced with a paradoxical task, and the document is now much more explicit about that. Before you read the revision, please be reminded of the function of this document. This will be the input of the urban planning group leaders to the ‘grote vierhoek’ meeting of 13 November, where proposals to reduce workloads that can be taken at the level of the department will be discussed (so not proposals requiring decisions by the Faculty, the University, or the Ministry). In particular, the program group leaders have been asked for proposals to reduce research workloads (the education program directors have been asked for proposals to reduce workloads in teaching – that is why we decided to not go beyond principles and illustrative examples in the teaching sections, even more so than in the previous version).
The way that, already in the first draft, we chose to interpret this task is to express a number of principles on also teaching workloads and budgets, and on research budgets, as we felt these are all interrelated. With respect to the question of how to reduce research workloads, we chose to show what, with the research time presently available, can be humanly expected of individual research efforts (so, not ‘output’). As several of you demanded, in this version we tried to make clearer that we are against any further cuts in research budgets, and rather demand more investment, because increasing investments is the only credible way of increasing research efforts without risking destroying people (and loosing, well, everything in the process). So, we think that the message, thanks to your comments and suggestions, has much gained in clarity. Whether it will achieve anything substantial is a different matter. It feels, anyway, as a meaningful step.
With this goal and context in mind, we would like now to ask you to choose, by the end of the week, one of the following options: -Accept the document as it is -Accept, conditional to minor amendments of the text; please suggest these amendments -Not accept the document, as you feel there are fundamental issues that still need discussion within the group before it can be submitted to the ‘grote vierhoek’. This discussion will have to take place sometimes next week, face to face ( we don't think an online discussion would be appropriate in this case). Please mention the fundamental issues that require discussion (but please no amendments to the document if you choose this option). -Accept the document for the present purpose, but at the same time request that fundamental issues be discussed in the group at a later, but close enough moment (for example at the next urban planning core group meeting of 20 November). Please, if you choose this option, mention the issues that require discussion.
Best, Luca (also on behalf of Maria)
*** Just out: <image006.jpg> ‘Highly recommended!’ – Patsy Healey, Newcastle University, UK ‘This is a superb text’ – Carey Curtis, Curtin University, Australia ‘The discussion is illuminating’ – Robin Hickman, University College London, UK ‘A requirement read, cover to cover’ – Moshe Givoni, Tel‐Aviv University, Israel
Click here for more information
University of Amsterdam Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO) Centre for Urban Studies Programme group Urban Planning
Luca Bertolini Professor of Urban and Regional Planning Director, Center for Urban Studies
Visiting address: Room C 4.17 | Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam T 020 525 4007 | F 020 5254051
Postal address: PO Box 15629 | 1001 NC Amsterdam | The Netherlands
Visit my personal webpage Follow me on twitter
Dear all,
Sorry to bother you, but on 11 June I will still be in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam for the envisioning process of the historic inner city of Amsterdam.
Best wishes,
Zef Hemel
Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
Op 1 mei 2019 om 22:32 heeft Kaika, Maria <> het volgende geschreven:
Dear colleagues This year’s UP away day will be different It will be a real ‘away day’ The place: Buurtboederij Ons Genoegen The date: 11th June The time: 9:45 for a start at 10 am for us, the core group meeting 13:00 lunch . the Doctoral students post docs and UP masters students will join us 14:00 onwards UP general meeting (Including doctoral students, post docs, and masters UP students) We shall send an agenda later on Please send us items for it If we cannot have a core meeting in between, we shall start with Jochem’s analysis of our teaching Looking very much forward to it Maria and Luca
Prof. Dr Maria Kaika (DPhil, Oxon, MArch NTUA) Chair in Urban Regional and Environmental Planning [] New Open Access: Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene Publications: Web page: Address: Prof Maria Kaika | c/o GPIO Secretary | University of Amsterdam Roeterseilandcampus C4.08 | PO Box 15629 | Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | Amsterdam 1001 NC | The Netherlands
From: Kaika, Maria <> Sent: 29 January 2019 14:52 To: Bertolini, Luca <>; Verloo, Nanke <>; Giezen, Mendel <>; Savini, Federico <>; Vries, Jochem de <>; Brommelstroet, Marco te <>; Ronald, Richard <>; Hissink Muller, Bas <>; Tasan-Kok, Tuna <>; Evers, David <>; Hemel, Zef <>; Kaika, Maria <> Subject: next core group meeting: Tuesday February 5th, 10:00-12:00 hrs Importance: High
Dear Planners Just a reminder that our next core group meeting is on Tuesday 5th February 10-12. We shall squat as usual Mendel, Fede and Nanke’s room (with their permission!) There are currently three main items for the agenda which I copy below Please let me have any other items if you wish. We shall take them on board if time permits
1. This year’s research projects and research plans - each one gives us an overview of what they are engaged with (research wise) at the moment. We want to hear about
1. concrete projects that are already running, 2. publications already in the pipeline (draft form or submitted or out) 3. proposals already submitted, or about to be submitted.
Please refrain from talking about ideas that are still vague. We shall have another time for this one perhaps
1. How do we develop a culture of better sharing our research with each other? We need concrete suggestions here For example:
1. Taking 10 mins at the beginning of each one of these meetings to talk about a current paper/project (two people each time, 5+5 minutes) 2. Having an ‘away’ day of presentations of our own work only – with our PhDs and our research masters present? 3. Any other ideas?
1. sharing teaching assessment and classroom best practices; what works for you and what does nt how can we learn from each other? Looking forward to it All the best maria
Maria Kaika Professor of Urban Regional and Environmental Planning Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO) <image005.jpg>
New Publications - Kaika, M. (2018). Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene. European Planning Studies, 26(9), 1714-1727. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1484893 - Luke, N., & Kaika, M. (2018). Ripping the Heart out of Ancoats: Collective Action to Defend Infrastructures of Social Reproduction against Gentrification. Antipode. doi: 10.1111/anti.12468; first published early online 21 November 2018
Postal address Prof. Maria Kaika University of Amsterdam Att: Secretariaat GPIO REC C, kamer C 4.08 Valckenierstraat 65-67 1018 XE Amsterdam The Netherlands Visiting address Roeterseilandcampus C 4.017 Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam | The Netherlands Web page: Publications:
From: Bertolini, Luca Sent: 23 October 2018 17:38 To: Verloo, Nanke; Giezen, Mendel; Savini, Federico; Vries, Jochem de; Brommelstroet, Marco te; Ronald, Richard; Hissink Muller, Bas; Tasan-Kok, Tuna Cc: Kaika, Maria Subject: Research workloads document Importance: High
Dear all,
Thanks you for your comments and suggestions on the first draft of the document on reducing research workloads. Attached you find a revised version where we tried to incorporate them. Let us say that the exchange showed, once again, that we are faced with a paradoxical task, and the document is now much more explicit about that. Before you read the revision, please be reminded of the function of this document. This will be the input of the urban planning group leaders to the ‘grote vierhoek’ meeting of 13 November, where proposals to reduce workloads that can be taken at the level of the department will be discussed (so not proposals requiring decisions by the Faculty, the University, or the Ministry). In particular, the program group leaders have been asked for proposals to reduce research workloads (the education program directors have been asked for proposals to reduce workloads in teaching – that is why we decided to not go beyond principles and illustrative examples in the teaching sections, even more so than in the previous version).
The way that, already in the first draft, we chose to interpret this task is to express a number of principles on also teaching workloads and budgets, and on research budgets, as we felt these are all interrelated. With respect to the question of how to reduce research workloads, we chose to show what, with the research time presently available, can be humanly expected of individual research efforts (so, not ‘output’). As several of you demanded, in this version we tried to make clearer that we are against any further cuts in research budgets, and rather demand more investment, because increasing investments is the only credible way of increasing research efforts without risking destroying people (and loosing, well, everything in the process). So, we think that the message, thanks to your comments and suggestions, has much gained in clarity. Whether it will achieve anything substantial is a different matter. It feels, anyway, as a meaningful step.
With this goal and context in mind, we would like now to ask you to choose, by the end of the week, one of the following options: -Accept the document as it is -Accept, conditional to minor amendments of the text; please suggest these amendments -Not accept the document, as you feel there are fundamental issues that still need discussion within the group before it can be submitted to the ‘grote vierhoek’. This discussion will have to take place sometimes next week, face to face ( we don't think an online discussion would be appropriate in this case). Please mention the fundamental issues that require discussion (but please no amendments to the document if you choose this option). -Accept the document for the present purpose, but at the same time request that fundamental issues be discussed in the group at a later, but close enough moment (for example at the next urban planning core group meeting of 20 November). Please, if you choose this option, mention the issues that require discussion.
Best, Luca (also on behalf of Maria)
*** Just out: [Planning the Mobile Metropolis] ‘Highly recommended!’ – Patsy Healey, Newcastle University, UK ‘This is a superb text’ – Carey Curtis, Curtin University, Australia ‘The discussion is illuminating’ – Robin Hickman, University College London, UK ‘A requirement read, cover to cover’ – Moshe Givoni, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Click here for more information
University of Amsterdam Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO) Centre for Urban Studies Programme group Urban Planning
Luca Bertolini Professor of Urban and Regional Planning Director, Center for Urban Studies
Visiting address: Room C 4.17 | Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam T 020 525 4007 | F 020 5254051
Postal address: PO Box 15629 | 1001 NC Amsterdam | The Netherlands
Visit my personal webpage Follow me on twitter
Hi all,
Please for future reference reply only to the ones that are keeping record. (and either use the listserv or the all e-mail addresses, but not both. This leads to about 5 e-mails each in my inbox as list-manager)
Cheers (and not need to reply to his) Marco
Van: Zef Hemel Datum: vrijdag 3 mei 2019 om 20:35 Aan: "Kaika, Maria" CC: "Bertolini, Luca", "Verloo, Nanke", "Giezen, Mendel", "Savini, Federico", "Vries, Jochem de", "Brommelstroet, Marco te", "Ronald, Richard", "Hissink Muller, Bas", "Tasan-Kok, Tuna", "Evers, David", "Hemel, Zef", "" Onderwerp: Re: away day 11th June final arrangements
Dear all,
Sorry to bother you, but on 11 June I will still be in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam for the envisioning process of the historic inner city of Amsterdam.
Best wishes,
Zef Hemel
Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
Op 1 mei 2019 om 22:32 heeft Kaika, Maria <> het volgende geschreven: Dear colleagues This year’s UP away day will be different It will be a real ‘away day’ The place: Buurtboederij Ons Genoegen The date: 11th June The time: 9:45 for a start at 10 am for us, the core group meeting 13:00 lunch . the Doctoral students post docs and UP masters students will join us 14:00 onwards UP general meeting (Including doctoral students, post docs, and masters UP students) We shall send an agenda later on Please send us items for it If we cannot have a core meeting in between, we shall start with Jochem’s analysis of our teaching Looking very much forward to it Maria and Luca
Prof. Dr Maria Kaika (DPhil, Oxon, MArch NTUA) Chair in Urban Regional and Environmental Planning [] New Open Access: Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene Publications: Web page: Address: Prof Maria Kaika | c/o GPIO Secretary | University of Amsterdam Roeterseilandcampus C4.08 | PO Box 15629 | Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | Amsterdam 1001 NC | The Netherlands
From: Kaika, Maria <> Sent: 29 January 2019 14:52 To: Bertolini, Luca <>; Verloo, Nanke <>; Giezen, Mendel <>; Savini, Federico <>; Vries, Jochem de <>; Brommelstroet, Marco te <>; Ronald, Richard <>; Hissink Muller, Bas <>; Tasan-Kok, Tuna <>; Evers, David <>; Hemel, Zef <>; Kaika, Maria <> Subject: next core group meeting: Tuesday February 5th, 10:00-12:00 hrs Importance: High
Dear Planners Just a reminder that our next core group meeting is on Tuesday 5th February 10-12. We shall squat as usual Mendel, Fede and Nanke’s room (with their permission!) There are currently three main items for the agenda which I copy below Please let me have any other items if you wish. We shall take them on board if time permits
1. This year’s research projects and research plans - each one gives us an overview of what they are engaged with (research wise) at the moment. We want to hear about
1. concrete projects that are already running, 2. publications already in the pipeline (draft form or submitted or out) 3. proposals already submitted, or about to be submitted.
Please refrain from talking about ideas that are still vague. We shall have another time for this one perhaps
1. How do we develop a culture of better sharing our research with each other? We need concrete suggestions here For example:
1. Taking 10 mins at the beginning of each one of these meetings to talk about a current paper/project (two people each time, 5+5 minutes) 2. Having an ‘away’ day of presentations of our own work only – with our PhDs and our research masters present? 3. Any other ideas?
1. sharing teaching assessment and classroom best practices; what works for you and what does nt how can we learn from each other? Looking forward to it All the best maria
Maria Kaika Professor of Urban Regional and Environmental Planning Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO) <image005.jpg>
New Publications - Kaika, M. (2018). Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene. European Planning Studies, 26(9), 1714-1727. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1484893 - Luke, N., & Kaika, M. (2018). Ripping the Heart out of Ancoats: Collective Action to Defend Infrastructures of Social Reproduction against Gentrification. Antipode. doi: 10.1111/anti.12468; first published early online 21 November 2018
Postal address Prof. Maria Kaika University of Amsterdam Att: Secretariaat GPIO REC C, kamer C 4.08 Valckenierstraat 65-67 1018 XE Amsterdam The Netherlands Visiting address Roeterseilandcampus C 4.017 Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam | The Netherlands Web page: Publications:
From: Bertolini, Luca Sent: 23 October 2018 17:38 To: Verloo, Nanke; Giezen, Mendel; Savini, Federico; Vries, Jochem de; Brommelstroet, Marco te; Ronald, Richard; Hissink Muller, Bas; Tasan-Kok, Tuna Cc: Kaika, Maria Subject: Research workloads document Importance: High
Dear all,
Thanks you for your comments and suggestions on the first draft of the document on reducing research workloads. Attached you find a revised version where we tried to incorporate them. Let us say that the exchange showed, once again, that we are faced with a paradoxical task, and the document is now much more explicit about that. Before you read the revision, please be reminded of the function of this document. This will be the input of the urban planning group leaders to the ‘grote vierhoek’ meeting of 13 November, where proposals to reduce workloads that can be taken at the level of the department will be discussed (so not proposals requiring decisions by the Faculty, the University, or the Ministry). In particular, the program group leaders have been asked for proposals to reduce research workloads (the education program directors have been asked for proposals to reduce workloads in teaching – that is why we decided to not go beyond principles and illustrative examples in the teaching sections, even more so than in the previous version).
The way that, already in the first draft, we chose to interpret this task is to express a number of principles on also teaching workloads and budgets, and on research budgets, as we felt these are all interrelated. With respect to the question of how to reduce research workloads, we chose to show what, with the research time presently available, can be humanly expected of individual research efforts (so, not ‘output’). As several of you demanded, in this version we tried to make clearer that we are against any further cuts in research budgets, and rather demand more investment, because increasing investments is the only credible way of increasing research efforts without risking destroying people (and loosing, well, everything in the process). So, we think that the message, thanks to your comments and suggestions, has much gained in clarity. Whether it will achieve anything substantial is a different matter. It feels, anyway, as a meaningful step.
With this goal and context in mind, we would like now to ask you to choose, by the end of the week, one of the following options: -Accept the document as it is -Accept, conditional to minor amendments of the text; please suggest these amendments -Not accept the document, as you feel there are fundamental issues that still need discussion within the group before it can be submitted to the ‘grote vierhoek’. This discussion will have to take place sometimes next week, face to face ( we don't think an online discussion would be appropriate in this case). Please mention the fundamental issues that require discussion (but please no amendments to the document if you choose this option). -Accept the document for the present purpose, but at the same time request that fundamental issues be discussed in the group at a later, but close enough moment (for example at the next urban planning core group meeting of 20 November). Please, if you choose this option, mention the issues that require discussion.
Best, Luca (also on behalf of Maria)
*** Just out: [Planning the Mobile Metropolis] ‘Highly recommended!’ – Patsy Healey, Newcastle University, UK ‘This is a superb text’ – Carey Curtis, Curtin University, Australia ‘The discussion is illuminating’ – Robin Hickman, University College London, UK ‘A requirement read, cover to cover’ – Moshe Givoni, Tel‐Aviv University, Israel
Click here for more information
University of Amsterdam Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development (GPIO) Centre for Urban Studies Programme group Urban Planning
Luca Bertolini Professor of Urban and Regional Planning Director, Center for Urban Studies
Visiting address: Room C 4.17 | Nieuwe Achtergracht 166 | 1018 WV Amsterdam T 020 525 4007 | F 020 5254051
Postal address: PO Box 15629 | 1001 NC Amsterdam | The Netherlands
Visit my personal webpage Follow me on twitter